Chapter three

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The dragon in the pic is Frost.
"FROST?! Why didn't you tell Flame that I killed Amber?" Seaweed asked. "Well I came up with the idea. So you can be quite." I answered. "By the way thank you for killing Amber, she was annoying." Flame said. "No problem I had to kill her she was horrible." I lied. Seaweed and Shapeshifter pulled me back " WHY?! Why are you lying to Flame?" Seaweed asked me. "I want the royal life. And... Why am I lying?" I answered. "Trying to act dumb won't fool us. "Shapeshifter told me in a wise-guy tone. "Wait, doesn't Flame have a magic born teammate?" I thought out loud. "Yes she does." Seaweed answered. "Then he/she could of put a type of dust around Flame so they get completely under Flame's control." I said. "Then don't go near her." Shapeshifter said. We didn't talk the rest of the fly. "Come you three you'll have a great time with me." Flame said. "I'm starting to feel uncomfortable." Shapeshifter told me. "You're not the only one." I responded. "Do you think we are going back to prison, Seaweed?" I questioned. "Probably, knowing Flame. So we should try and sneak away." Seaweed answered. "Oh don't worry about me I just wanted to get rid of Amber and your mum. Which you already did" Flame said like she was listening to our private conversation. "I trust her but I don't " I told Seaweed and Shapeshifter. From the entrance of the most beautiful palace to the throne room I was thinking of a way out of the beautiful palace hey why am I thinking like I love this place, I HATE it here.
"The 'dust' of some sort it's getting stronger." I told Seaweed and Shapeshifter. "And reaching out further because I feel it." Seaweed said. "Oh don't worry, what do you want at the party I'm having for you three?" Flame asked. "Fish, cow, chicken, pigs, watermelon, apples, really anything that I can eat." I said first too talk. "Okay then wait here I'll be back." "Do you know how much food poisoning can be in ALL OF that food?" Seaweed said. "What? I haven't eaten in a day. So I am HUNGRY." I said
. . .

At the party everyone ate everything so I guess Seaweed and Shapeshifter was hungry but after I ate I felt tired. I guess I ate so much my tummy made me tired. Then I passed out I had a dream that I was in a land of darkness with REAL RESPECT as if I was the queen. But when I woke up I was behind bars. "Well looks like someone is awake. Who actually killed my prison guard? Because he didn't have the ice amulet when I found him dead." Flame said. "Will there be a good consequence or a bad one?" I asked. "It depends." Both me and my brother." I told her. "Well enjoy your last day of your life." "Can you come here? I see something on you." So Flame came to me I put my palm on her head, so she started to freeze.

To be continued I'm working on part 4

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