Untitled Part 2

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Chapter 2: Who is that girl?

(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Gravity Falls! Or Scott Pilgrim!)

Dipper went to his apartment.

"Before you hear any rumours from someone else, yes I'm dating a 17 year old," said Dipper.

"Hahaha," said his roommate Gabe, "Does that mean we have to stop sleeping together?"

"Do you see another room in here?" I asked.

(Gabe Bensen: Age, 22. Gay roommate)

"You're totally my bitch forever," said Gabe.

"Listen this whole me dating a 17 year old girl, don't tell anyone ok?" said Dipper.

"You know me," he said grabbing a phone.

Dipper's phone rang.

"Hello?" he asked.

"17 year old? Scoundrel!" said Mabel his sister.

(Mabel Pines: Age 18, rated T for Teen)

"That's not true, who told you?" asked Dipper.

"Gabe, duh!" said Mabel.

"what the hell," said Dipper.

"You know me," said Gabe.

"Goddamn it, Gabe!!" shouted Dipper.

"Anyways, scandal!" she said.

"Whatever," said Dipper.

"Don't you whatever me, this is big news to all of us!" said Mabel, "So who is this girl that you're dating Broseph?"

"Candy Chiu," said Dipper.

"A Chinese 17 year old girl? You're ridiculous," said Mabel.

"She goes to a catholic school as well," said Dipper.

"The uniform and everything?" she asked, "Oh my God."

"That's right, the whole enchilada," answered Diper.

"Wow, so its been like 1 year since you were dumped by she who will not be named," said Mabel, "Soooo why are you doing this?"

"I don't know... its just simple and nice ok?" he said.

"Are you just being insane?" asked Mabel.

"I'll let you know alright?" asked Dipper.

(The next day....)

Gabe and Dipper were waiting for Candy at her school.

"I do not wanna be here at all," said Gabe.

"This school has boys too," said Dipper.

"I hate you," said Gabe, "even I would think twice about dating a 17 year old."

Candy came out.

"Hey," she said.

"This is my gay roommate Gabe," said Dipper, "He's gay."

"Do you wanna know who in my class is gay?" asked Candy.

"Yes does he wear glasses?" asked Gabe.

"You run Gabe, begone now," said Dipper.

"What? you suck!" said Gabe.

"Will you just go so I can enjoy my time with Candy?" asked Dipper.

"You're too good for him," said Gabe, "Run!"

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