This one girl

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Chapter 3: This one girl.....

Dipper came next to Wendy and started talking to her.

"Hey how's it going?" he asked.

"Going good I guess," said Wendy.

"Uhh..... I like your shoes?" he said.

"Thanks, I got them from England," said Wendy.

"You know pac man?" asked Dipper.

"Oh yeah that old game from the 80s," she said.

He then went to tell her of Pacman's history.

"Am I dreaming?" he asked.

She just looked at him.

"I think I'm gonna go," he said.

"ok?," she said.

And so he stalked her, until she left the party.

He then went to Nate.

"Dude!!" he shouted.

"What?" asked Nate.

"She's totally real!" said Dipper.

"Who?" asked Nate.

"Wendy Corduroy," said Dipper.

"What?!" said Nate.

Dipper then went to Soos.

"What do you know about Wendy Corduroy?" asked Dipper.

"All I know is she's American," said Soos, "But ask other people about her."

He then went to get tons of information about Wendy.

"Move it Narrator!" said Tambry.


"What the hell do you want to know about Wendy?" she asked.

"What do you know?" asked Dipper.

"She moved to town getting a job as a mail deliverer," said Tambry.

"Didn't she have a big breakup earlier?" asked Lee.

"Did they?" asked Dipper.

"Yes but I didn't want him knowing that idiot," said Tambry.

"I don't know what it...." Said Dipper before he was interrupted.

"I forbid you from hitting on her even if you haven't had a real girlfriend in a year!" said Tambry, "If you do I will go to your house, cut off your hair and make your life a living (bleep) hell."

That was not in the script.

"Shut up Narrator! This is my party, so I do things my way!" said Tambry.

"Chill," said Lee, "Besides he's out of his mourning period dating a high schooler."

"That's the perfect time for a mourning period," said Tambry, "I don't want you scaring off the coolest girl. We all know you're a lady killer, like when you dumped Grenda for..."

"Ok me and Grenda are all good alright?" asked Dipper.

"Whatever, she's just out of your league," said Tambry, "And anyways I'm not sure about the breakup rumour. She keeps mentioning this guy called Robbie."

"I don't know what it is about that girl," said Dipper.

"FORGET IT DIPPER!!!!!" she shouted.

(Later that evening)

"Guess who's drunk!" said Gabe.

"I guess Gabe," said Dipper, "So that girl from the party.... Don't tell anyone ok?"

"You know me," he said, "But maybe you should break up with your fake high school girlfriend."

He was asleep.

Dipper's phone rang.

"Hello?" asked Dipper.

"You're not thinking about dating 2 chicks at once are you?!" asked Mabel.

"No," said Dipper.

"Well then you should break up with your fake high school girlfriend!" said Mabel.


"Gabe told me," said Mabel.

"But he...." He said before he saw he was asleep, "How do you do that Gabe?"


"Gabe!" said Dipper.

"Yeah?" asked Gabe.

"What's the website for"

"," said Gabe, "Are you ordering CDs or something?"

"Yep," said Dipper.

He got some mail.

"This thing claims I have mail!" said Dipper.

"Wow," said Gabe sarcastically.

Dear Mr. Pines,

It has come to my attention that we will be fighting soon. My name is Lil Giddy, and I will not let you have my dear Wendy Corduroy. This is a...... a...... a.....

"What?!" said Gabe.

"This is boring," said Dipper, "Delete."

Later he was waiting for the mail.

"Dipper I hate to tell you, but your mail won't come until Monday at the latest," said Gabe.

The doorbell rang.

"You were saying?" asked Dipper.

It was Candy.

"Attack hug!" she said.

"That's cute," he said, "Super cute."

"You were supposed to meet me at the bookstore a half hour ago," she said.

"How could I forget?" asked Dipper.

During the date, Dipper wasn't paying much attention and Candy was yapping about school.

They were playing their favorite arcade game, and Dipper was losing his streak.

"Nega Ninja, solo round!" said the computer.

"I could never get past that guy," said Dipper.

"Don't beat yourself about it," said Candy.

"Um...... I think...... I think," said Dippr.


It was band practice.

"Game on guys," said Lee, "I got us a show."

"OH MY GOSH WHEN!!!!!" said Candy.

"I was talking to this guy and he was like you know someone in a band and I'm like 'I'm totally in a band' and he's like 'no way'," said Lee.

"Great story man," said Grenda.

"We're playing the battle of the bands, and the winner gets a record sign with R-man," said Lee.

"Who?" asked Dipper.

"You don't know?" asked Candy.

"If we win it won't just be Candy wearing our t-shirts, but also the cool kids."

"I promise I will do whatever it takes to get out of study group to come to your gig!" said Candy.

Dipper went to the bathroom while the rest of the gang were talking.

When he came out he found himself in a school hall and then saw Wendy.

He chased her and found her at his doorstep.

"HEY!" he said waking up.

He opened the door and saw Wendy.

"Dipper Pines?" she asked.

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