The date

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Chapter 4: The date

(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Gravity Falls or Scott Pilgrim!!!)

"Dipper Pines?" asked Wendy.

"Um yes," said Dipper, "Um do you..... I just.... Well.... I just had this dream that you were mailing me stuff and it just happened to be real. That's not weird is it?"

"No that's ok dude," said Wendy as she laughed, "Um if you could just sign this, that'll be great."

"How do you even get around here so fast?" asked Dipper, "Its like you travel through dreams of people."

"Its kinda like my way of travelling," said Wendy, "I go through dreamports to get away from the world."

"Like the subspace holes in Super Smash Bros?" asked Dipper.

"Looks like someone's a total nerd," said Wendy, "I dig it."

"Wow, you're like... my dream girl," whispered Dipper.

"What?" asked Wendy.

"Nothing," said Dipper, "You probably don't remember me, but I was the guy at the party."

"The pacman guy?" asked Wendy.

"No, not really," said Dipper, "That was some random ass."

"So can you sign?" she asked.

"But you'll leave if I sign," said Dipper.

"Yeah, that's life man," said Wendy.

"Well... do you wanna hang sometime?" asked Dipper, "You're the new kid and I wanna get to know you. I mean I know we just met and I seem... odd, but there are reason for us to hang out."

She blushed.

"You want me to hang out with you?" she asked.

"Um, yeah if its ok," said Dipper.

"Well, I'm free tonight," said Wendy, "Now can you sign for your package please?"

He signed it.

"So yeah, 8:00?" he asked.


Wendy was waiting for Dipper.

"There you are," said Dipper.

"Well at least you weren't late," she said, "I was waiting on you."

"Guess I didn't need the parka, its pretty nice out," said Dipper.

"Yeah guess so," she said.

"So um... what made you take the big step into coming to Gravity Falls?"

"Thought I needed to get away from home," said Wendy, "Got myself a new job. Robbie said it was a nice place to be at."

"Who's Robbie?" Dipper asked.

"Let's just say he's someone no one has to worry about," said Wendy with a smile.

They were walking around.

"So what do you do for a living?" asked Wendy.

"I'm between two different jobs," said Dipper, "One is being in a band, and another is trying to find a damn job that'll hire me."

"Yeah that is a big problem in the industry," said Wendy.

"I know right," said Dipper, "But what about you?"

"I'll tell you," said Wendy.

Good Girls by Ellie King:

Wendy: I've been a-dancing in a devil's dirt

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