starvation day

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Today I decided I won't eat not until I'm thin I want be so thin that they would beg me eat. I want be thin as bone have them model long legs. I want to be happy about my self for once. They will all regret ever calling me fat. They never will be able to talk bad about my body image. I want to be free I want where those size 0 jeans and the beautiful crop tops with high waisted shorts why can't the world be filled with fast metabolism's .I wonder why I can't feel happy they noticed you lost weight but for you its never enough you want more then just a couple of pounds you want shrink dress sizes waist inches. You want your bones to pop out and show how thin you gotten you want that thigh gap between your legs you want color bones to pop out but when you have it its still not enough. 
     thank you guys for reading and stay with me I love you all stay safe!!!

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