New Year New me?

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As always everyone is out trying need dieting methods to keep down those pounds of Holidays with the family. So am I let me tell you the lowest I got was 153lb that was a few days before turning 16. After my sweet 16 party I took care of my self for a while.The beginning of November I was weighting 160.I did notice that I gained weight and diet for 5 days then binge on the weekends.Up to date that's how it's been today is my second day on my lil diet my goal is 150 as of right now later in the future I'll address if it changes ones I hit that Category. I am currently 169lb not the highest I been but it's killing me slowly 🤔.Let me explain I been out trying dresses and my stomach doesn't help at all its always in the motha fuckin way. My regular clothes fits too tight I'm in no condition finacially to be buying new clothes each time my fatass gains weight. My feet and back hurt and I blame it on the gain weight.
My smile look like two potatoes on each side and I'm avoiding smiling because it's embarrassing enough with my big fat lobs on my stomach.

So yeah this is my reason what's urs?

Thank you for reading stay tuned .1/5/19

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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