Chapter 2

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I woke up, and rubbed my eyes. I realized I was laying on Andy's bed, still wearing his jacket. "Hey kitten." Andy said, and I giggled. "Why do you keep calling my kitten?" I said. "Because you look like a kitten." Andy said, smiling. God his smile was perfect. "H-hey Andy?" I asked. "Yes?" Andy asked. "What's that tattoo?" I asked, pointing to the tattoo that said "Morticians daughter." "Oh, this one? Well, I'm in a band called Black Veil Brides, and this is one of our songs." Andy explained. "Can I hear you sing?" I asked meekly. "Of course!" Andy said, and he began to sing. "In the end, as we fade into the night. Who will tell the story of your life?" Andy sang, his voice amazing. "You have an amazing voice Andy." I said. He smiled, and sat next to me. I realized he was shirtless, and I blushed deeply. "You okay kitten?" Andy asked. "Yeah." I said, and laid back down. Andy kissed my head, and I purred. "Awe. You're my cute kitten, aren't you." He said. I nodded and curled into him. I closed my eyes, and went back to sleep, my body heavy with exhaustion.

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