Chapter 15 ~ The Power of Pets

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~ Chapter 15 ~

I sighed and stared up at the ceiling.

'I'm a Kunoich now. No more being afraid.' I told myself over and over again. But I was scared. April had only taught me the basics. Punch like this, kick like that. Ug! For frushtragting!

And then the thoughts about Leo. Gosh, I hope I don't "like" him like him. He was a mutant turtle and I was a normal, human girl! Well, I guess Nick and Raph like each other but still...she's mutant! I'm not! But I love the way his eyes sparkle when he smiles or how cute he looks when he does his Captain Ryan impression or...or...UGG! WHAT AM I THINKING?!

I slapped myself a little.

'Focus Bekka, focus on the stupid leather book!' I sighed and looked at the book.

'Entry # 219,

Experiment 5 is doing very well with extra doses of hydro-philapean noxicied. Mood swings began to fade and heart beat is irreagular. Noted this was same with experiment 1, 2, 3, and 4.' It said in my mom's neat hand writing.

And yet, it didn't make any sense! What hydro-whata whata some sort of special mutagin? What was the experiments on? Humans? Animals? All ready mutated mutants? It was so stinkin' confusing I wanted to throw the stupid book at the stupid wall! But Nick was asleep after her totally "power outage." Because she busted out her glowing head lights for eyes again. I was lucky and hid behind the couch.

I poked my head over the side of the bed. I was about to wake up Nicky from her deep sleep when I saw she was in pain. Her face was scrunched up and beds of sweat was on her forehead.

"No...not now, not today." She murmered and turned.

I raised my eyebrow up at her. She continued to toss and turn.

"Bekka, mutagin, turtles, NO!" She screamed and bolted up.

I was startled so badly, I fell off of my bed.

I groaned and rubbed my head. "For all things sacred! Will you stop scaring me like that?!" I moaned.

She looked at me. "Sorry, I just had a...a...a-"

"A bad dream?" I finished.

She shaked her head nerviously. "Yeah, I saw 'him' again."

I looked at her. "That chubby old guy that Mikey told me about?" I asked.

She nodded her head again. "Mmm hmm. And other things too. It was like I was living in two different time-lines."

I tilted my head to the side. "What? Did you see something from your past?!" I asked.

She shook her head a mumbled something I couldn't understand. But I could've swore she said, "No, yours."


~ Nick's POV ~

I felt akward the way Bekka was staring at me. That dream was just too weird. I couldn't tell her. She had enough things to worry about.

"So, did you find anything out from that journal of yours?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Some, but they don't make any sense!" She grumbled.

"I told you we should let Donnie look at it. He can keep a secret!" I said.

She looked down and shook her head. "I can't. I need to figure this out without too much attention. I didn't want to tell you either!"

I smiled. "But I popped out of nowhere and startled you, right?"

She grinned. "Yes! You materilized from the ceiling!"

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