IMAGINE: Being Bard's Eldest Daughter

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"Y/N, up!"

You blink suddenly as fragmented daylight hits your eyes from the newly drawn curtains. You try to cuddle back under your thin blanket, only to have it tugged off.

"Y/N!" Your father, Bard, repeats, standing over you and scowling. He looks down at you and sighs. "Did you sleep in your clothes again?"

"I told you, Father," You say, sitting up. "That Sigrid stole my nightdress two weeks ago." You reach out for the hairbrush situated on the table to your right, but Bard pushes it off onto the floor.

"No time for that. Listen." He says. "I need to get the boat out of Laketown but I'm being followed. I need your help, Sigrid can take care of Tilda and Bain for now."

You nod, getting up properly now.

"Alfred again?" Your father nods to this as you finish putting on your shoes.

Five minutes later, you're both out by his old boat.

Fist, you help him out the barrels on, then untie the boat. Just as you push it away, your father on board, you hear a slimy voice behind you.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the eldest spawn of Bard."

You turn around to see Alfred sneering at you.

"Eww." You say, smirking. "If it isn't the pathetic loser."

Alfred glares at you.

"I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, Missy. It will reflect badly on your father, the little git that he is."

"Don't talk about my father like that! He's twice the man you are!" As you speak, you risk glancing behind you. Bard's boat is far in the distance, outside the city's gates. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have places to be."

Alfred steps forward, blocking your path.

"Now, now, Y/N, we've had this talk before. Where is he going?"

"I don't know." You reply, trying to dodge the slimeball.

"Y/N, come on, behave." He smirks. "You wouldn't want your brother and sisters to be homeless now, would you? You want to make your mother proud? Oh, wait, I forgot. Your mother's dead, isn't she?"


When you reach home, Bain answers the door. As you walk in, he stares at you.

"Y/N, is that you?" Sigrid says, carrying Tilda into the hallway. "I need some help with the washing and - what happened to you?" She comes to stand beside Bain, placing Tilda on the floor.

You look down at yourself. Your clothes are sopping wet, dripping from head to toe. Your hair is messy and everywhere, and one of your shoes are missing.

"Alfred." You reply. "Let's just say, we went for a swim."


"Well, I was helping Daddy with his boat, and the slimeball appeared. He was just digging insults, the usual really, and then he mentioned Mum, so I pushed him in the lake."

"So why are you wet?" Tilda says, grabbing your hand.

"He got hold of my arm and pulled me in too. At least I can swim. He had to be rescued by some guards." Your siblings laugh.

The rest of the day, you help out about the home, but as it nears night, you realise that you're low on food.

"I'll just pop out and get some bread for tomorrow." You tell Sigrid. "Send Bain out to find Dad and get Tilda ready for bed." On her nod, you walk out the door.

When you reach home after shopping at the night market, you knock on the door. Bain opens it, sticking his head out the small gap.

"Quick!" He yell-whispers. "In! Now!" And thus, he pulls you through the door.

"What?!" You start to say, but your words falter as you reach the living room to see a very unexpected sight.

Thirteen dwarves and one Hobbit are sat there, all staring at you.

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