Office is my other home

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"You must be Spencer." Dylan said in a beautiful British accent.
"Welcome, you can sit here," he pointed at the black fancy chair."Make yourself comfortable."
I smiled and he returned a smile.

I looked around for a while. It was a modern black-white office full of super-expensive furniture.

He sat on the chair behind the glass table.
"So do you know why you are here?" He asked confidently.
"No, sir."
I hated calling him 'sir' but this was still buisness so l kindda had to.

"Well, yor sister Layla McWilliams arranged this meeting for your company. It's all explained on these papers, but all in all, l will offer you an appearance at the 'Paris Fashion show' next week. If people from FNFS find your collection interesting, you can easily become one of the best and most popular fashion brands."

I looked at him full of supprise.

Is this even real?

My eyes shone while he was giving me papers to sign.

"I should probably ask my sister first, l mean, she's the boss, right?"

He just gave me a warm smile. He was probably about 3 or 4 years older than me. He had sky blue eyes that can move the whole universe just with one look and he was blond.

Of course, l could have signed these papers, but l wanted to see him again.

The day passed in a chill mood and l finally had some time to read.

I read a beautiful book about being unperfect and it made me sit in my sofa and think about life.

I slowly fell asleep while my sister was sitting on the other sofa and drank coffee.

Four hours later

Good morning darlings.
I opened the window.
Why was it so dark outside?
Oh yeah, because it's 2 am.

Time to work.

I grabbed my sketch book and started drawing some high-fashion silver heels. I couldn't forget my visit to Dylan and his perfectly organized office.
-Damn l'm so hungry, l'll order a pizza.

Other Side Of The Street (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now