ღ Chapter 15 ღ

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June 25, 2016

Jacob Perez

"C'mon, boogie you gotta eat something." I said trying to feed him the chicken noodle soup. He was running a fever and throwing up on himself and me since about 4 this morning. He came running into my room sweating with vomit on his clothes. I really don't want to take him to the hospital but it looks like I don't have a choice at this point.

"No," he whined and shook his head, laying it on my shoulder "it's nas-" before he could say anything he leaned over and threw up on the floor. It hurt my heart to see my baby like this, I ran him a bath and bathed him before going to the children's hospital.

As we sat in the emergency room, waiting on Jamie's doctor my phone rang. I asnwered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" "Hey, did he get any better?" Chresanto asked

"No, we-"

"I got him some popsicles and ginger ale, it'll keep him hydrated and the coldness from the popsicle will reduce his fever. Are you home?"

I smiled slightly, he was so concerned about Jamie he went out of his way and bought things. "No, I had to bring him to the hospital. We're waiting on his pediatrician-" "Knock, knock." The door opened.

"I'm on my way." He hung up. "Jacob, how are you." Dr. Peterson asked as she shook my hand. "Hi there, Jamie." She said to Jamie who didn't bother to open his eyes or respond back to her.

"I'm gonna check his vitals, do you think he'll let me sit him on the bed?" I shrugged. When Jamie was under the weather, he didn't want to be bothered by anyone but me. "You can try, but I'm almost sure he'll want to stay in my lap." She tried to take him from me but he clung to my shirt. I even stood up and tried sitting him on the bed myself, but that only made him cry.

"Nooo, mama." He shook his head as tears fell down his face. Poor baby.

"It's fine, you can just sit on the bed and we'll do it that way." She checked his ears, mouth and heartbeat. "So what exactly has been going on?" She opened his eyes and checked them with the little flash light. "Around 4, maybe 4:30 this morning he came into my room burning up with throw up all over him. I took his temperature right then and there."

"And what was the temperature then?" "96.8" I said.

"Boogie, open your mouth so she can take your temperature baby." "No."

"Please? Do it for me, then you can go back to sleep." He opened up and let her take his temperature that was now 100.1 "Looks like he has the flu."

"The flu? I've never thrown up or anything when I had the flu."

"It's more common in children than adults. I am gonna prescribe a liquid medicine, called PediaCare. Its reduces fever and helps with the flu." She wrote down the prescription and handed it to me. "Keep him hydrated, I suggest cold fluids like popsicles or even ice cubes. No dairy products though, he doesn't need to eat any ice cream or drink any milk for the next 48 hours until the fever has gone down. All it'll do is upset his stomach and possibly give him diarrhea." She said, there was a knock on the door and Chres walked in. He kissed my forehead, introduced himself and sat in the chair. "You can pick up the medicine at your local pharmacy and give him a teaspoon full every 12 hours until you notice changes in the symptoms. If you have any complications, you have my cell and office number." She said goodbye to us and left the room to tend to other children. I stood up, facing the bed.

"Boogie look, Chres is here." I made him stand on the bed, so I could fix his clothes. He whined with a frown on his face and wrapped his little arms around my neck, playing with my ear.

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