Chapter 2: The Start..Cont

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Crystal's POV:

I diverted my attention back to Lizzy, it either happened that she took very little time in the bathroom or I was staring for too long.

Grayson's POV:

I was at lunch with Ethan, Nate , Jake, Logan. Abby & Vic , two hottest cheerleaders in school sat with us like usual. I was talking about practice when from the corner of my eye I notice that Crystal the new girl I met this morning was looking towards me, she quickly turned around because Lizzy had came back from wherever she left and I don't think she noticed me looking back. My question is why was she looking at me, did she need to tell me something? did I have something wrong?

Lizzy's POV:

I come back from the bathroom to notice Crystal staring at the jocks & athletes' table, I got her attention by waving my hand in front of her face & she quickly turned around. I don't understand what or whom was she looking at, I don't believe she mentioned anything about them to me and I pretty sure think that she has nothing to do with them.

Crystal's POV:

Its nothing Lizzy, I was just scanning the lunch groups and how people sit with others & whom they sit with nothing in particular, I said in the hopes that she changes the subject. In my favour she did but as soon as we starting talking the bell rung & this period was different for both of us so we parted ways. I now had Maths but I forgot to ask her what she had.

I walk into class me being the first one there I sat towards the middle back since the seat wasn't taken yet. Everyone started coming in together when I noticed that one of the guys who sat with Grayson and had the blue streak in his hair decided to sit in the seat next to me. He introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Ethan" so that's his name.

"I'm Crystal nice to meet you" I said

"I've never seen you before, are you new here?" he asked

"Yes I transferred here since my parent's job required them to be here in New Jersey" I said

"Cool" he said as Mr Jefferson(ik :D) came in.

bla bla bla bla, ding,ding,ding - thank god the bell rung because I couldn't take in more numbers.

Fast forward to last period of the day:

The last bell for the day just rung and to my surprise Ethan was also in the same class as I was. I stand up putting my bag over my shoulders as I'm saying bye to Ethan since we chatted a bit during the lesson.

"See you around Crystal" he said as he as well was about to stand up and leave.

I got home, ate something and went upstairs to my room. I turned on the tv to see what's on, blabla everything seemed boring. So I opened my laptop and surfed for a bit on Twitter & Instagram. As I was on my Instagram timeline I see :

"Ethan Dolan is now following you" & "Grayson Dolan is now following you" its like they appeared instantly together, they had the same surname(last name) so it clicked to me they must be brothers. I followed them both back but the question here is how did they find me on here.

I shrugged that thought off when I finished some of the work I was given today even though its the first day. I did my usual night time routine , climbed into my bed and soon enough I drifted away from thoughts.

Author's note: I split chapter 2 into two because in my opinion it would've been too long as one chapter, anyways hope that the POV'S didn't confuse you but I wanted to show many perspectives. Vote if you enjoyed reading so far and comment below any thoughts or feedback and perhaps if you want comment on how you think this will turn out/ your opinions on that. Thanks for your time,reads , votes & comments!! :)


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