Chapter 8: Let's see

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Crystal's POV:

Monday mornings are those days were waking up is the most dreadful thing to start the day especially at 6am.

I decided to wear denim high waisted jeans together with a cropped quarter sleeved top and a pair of sandals.

Hope I get to see Lizzy today so that we can have lunch together with Ethan and Grayson. And catch up a little on what we've missed during the weekend.

As I'm walking down the corridor I feel someone sneak up behind me and as I turn around I see Grayson.

"I was going to give you a fright " he said

"Well then thank god I turned in time" I said as I laughed to myself because he had a disappointed look on his face.

"Well see you later Crys because I have maths now" he said

"See you and enjoy it😅" I said sarcastically since he hates maths.

As I'm entering my second class I spot Lizzy however she's not alone, she's sitting down talking with Jake and the cheerleaders Abby and Vic.

I wonder what she's doing with them because usually she'd wait for me at the lockers.

I shrugged off that thought and went to my seat passing them by.  I feel Abby and Vic giving me death stares and Jake well giving me the looks a fuckboy would since he's one.

What I'm surprised about is why Lizzy is sitting with them and what's the deal about it. I snap out of my thoughts as the lesson begins.

As we're being asked questions individually & writing answers down, the teacher slams her ruler onto Lizzy's desk because she wasn't paying attention.

Usually she'd snap back into the lesson without talking however since she's wface.Jake & co she replies back and gets a detention.

The bell rings and I head out to go to my next class when I feel a tap on shoulders by the one and only Jake .

"What do you want?" I ask

"Those jeans fit your sweet ass perfectly babygirl" he says

"Why don't you see if Abby or Vic's jeans fit well and mind your frickin business" I sharply respond as I'm trying to make my out.

By now the class has emptied itself and Jake & I are the ones left.

He grips my shoulders and turns me giving my back towards the wall.

"Let me go I'm going to be late for class" I shout

"And why would I let you do that? You're what I need now cause I already have Abby , Vic and your friend Lizzy"

"Leave Lizzy and I out of your shit"

"Well that's too late babe and mind your language when talking to me" he says gripping my shoulder tight.

"Leave me alone you're hurting me" I scream

"He shuts my mouth with his hand inching closer  to me.

"Everyone's in class its you and me now" he says

"Not even in your dreams leave me alone Jake" I try yelling.

As he steps closer near my face I hear footsteps coming and see Grayson very mad.

He comes in punching Jake in the face and grabbing me out of his grip.

Jake's pretty weak when compared to Grayson so he didn't stand up after 3 punches.

"You were late for class and the teacher sent me looking for you " he says slightly out of breath

Best Friends♡Dolan twins.♡ ~ Discontinued~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon