Chapter 2

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The next morning Amelia left before she faced Arizona. She slipped out of the bed and grabbed her now dry clothes from where they had been hanging in the bathroom.

She felt better then she did the night before but she still couldn't see Arizona. She had been so pathetic in front of her and she didn't know how to feel about her, her mind was a mess as usual.

On the other hand Arizona had woken up happy. That was until she had realized in the time before she got up Amelia had slipped out of the bed without her knowing. Arizona didn't know why but she felt upset when she thought of Amelia not being there with her.

The two couldn't ignore each other. Amelia had not had much of a sleep, it was so late when had arrived at Arizona's so she decided to catch a nap in between surgeries. What she didn't know was that Arizona had the same thought and that she was in the on call room Amelia headed for.

Amelia opened the door and shut it behind her she walked over to one of the beds and sighed deeply before laying down. She tucked her hands under her head as she stared at the top bunk. She thought about her life how far she had come, her mind drifted back to LA and Addison and Charlotte, Violet, and Sheldon all of them really but she missed them most. Her day dreaming was cut short when she heard


She knew the voice. It was none other then Arizona.

"h-hey" Amelia sputtered out, nice freaking going Amelia she thought so smooth

"I didn't catch you this morning, you left before I got up how are you?" Arizona asked concerned

"Yea I um if I'm being honest I just felt bad and I just I don't know so I left" Amelia said "but yup I'm good, better then ever"

Arizona got out of her bed across the room as Amelia sat her back against the wall of hers. Arizona plopped down beside her and put an arm around Amelia. Amelia instinctively dropped her head onto the blonds shoulder.

"Arizona?" Amelia said

"Yes?" she wondered

"I like being here. With
You" she stated

She had never really realized her eyes. The beauty of them washed over her they were beautiful and mesmerizing. The blue formed into 3 different shades and swirled around each other perfectly. She couldn't help herself any longer

She leaned up and pressed her lips to Arizona's, Arizona immediately pushed herself back and looked upset.

"God now I Freaking get it " she rhetorically said

"Ari-Arizona I'm sorry I just I'm sorry" Amelia sputtered

"No. Everyone assumes just because I'm gay I will go for any girl that walks the earth, I know your upset Amelia but it's not okay to use people" Arizona shot out

"Are you kidding me Arizona? You think I'm using you?, look I understand if your not attracted to me.. I wouldn't blame you but come on! You seriously think that? I came to your door last night not because I wanted a meaningless hookup but because I feel something every time I'm with you. I acted on it and I'm sorry but how dare you say I'm just using you. I'm honesty shocked" Amelia said looking upset

"Amelia- I I'm sorry I assumed I just-" she was cut short.

"No it's cool Dr.Robbins" she said getting professional

She hopped off the bed and walked to the door. She took one look back and said "I really thought you were different" and slammed the door behind her.

Arizona felt so stupid. Amelia was beyond gorgeous so she assumed that her kissing Arizona had to do with her being upset. She felt like crap for making Amelia go back to her ways of shutting everyone out, She had to fix this

Amelia felt rejection, she felt anger and sadness. She couldn't believe it. You know she got it if Amelia didn't want a romantic relationship because Amelia wasn't that big of a catch, but she didn't even trust her as to why she did it. She had just gotten out of a 6 hour surgery. Her back ached and she sighed as She pressed the elevator button.

the doors slid open and she looked down as she stepped on. She only looked up when her hand went to the "number 2" floor button.

Her eyes met another persons Arizona
"Am-Amelia I'm so sorry I just didn't want to be used. I'm really sorry I assumed and I feel like crap for making you think I think you're a liar and just ugh I don't know I'm sorry" Arizona mumbled

Amelia just looked up at her and nodded.

Arizona reached around her and slammed the emergency button

"Hey- what was that for?" Amelia angrily said "you can't force me to speak to you" she continued

"Your right" Arizona sputtered out "I can't force you to talk to me or even listen, but I'm going to talk to you" she continued "I'm sorry Amelia I am. I just I couldn't believe that you wanted that. Someone like you someone who could get any man or woman any time she wanted at the snap of her fingers, I just couldn't believe it"

Amelia looked up at Arizona she didn't feel angry anymore "I wasn't shocked when you pulled away you know" Amelia simply stated "I mean I get it if I'm not your type or you don't find me attractive or-" Amelia was cut off.

Arizona stepped closer and pulled Amelia's face up into hers. She closed the distance and pressed her lips softly against Amelia's.

Amelia hadn't had much experience kissing women. The odd experience in college was nothing like this.

The two pulled away and looked at each other "Wow" Amelia breathed
"Wow" Arizona agreed. The women felt content, they didn't know what this meant but they wanted to find out

"So um I hate to ruin this but where are you staying now that you know, Meredith kicked you out?" Arizona asked

"Oh ugh hah I haven't really thought about it" Amelia explained "probably a hotel or something" she continued

"Stay at my house" Arizona said matter of factly "there is no point in wasting your money Amelia I don't mind" she stated.

"If you really don't mind, I mean I would just be on the couch and up wouldn't bother you" Amelia said

Arizona looked up and she kissed the brunette again. Amelia reciprocated and then pulled back and realized they had been on the elevator for way to long

She pressed the emergency button back and waited for the doors to open. Once the it made a ring and slid open Amelia looked back and sheepishly said "See you later Dr.Robbins"

Arizona stood there stupidly with a grin on her face.

Amelia walked away the same.

Thank you:)

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