Chapter 16

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Natasha's POV 

"Where is she?" I asked. After Loki told us that Kiara was going to Antarctica, Bucky, Thor, Wanda, Steve, Loki and I travelled there in one of the jets. We put it on stealth mode, in case anyone decided to follow us.

"I don't know." Bucky replied as we walked over to the edge of an iceberg. 

"Steve, pass me those binoculars." Steve handed me to the binoculars. I crouched down and held them up to my eyes, searching for any sign of Kiara. I noticed Bucky had a very troubled expression on his face. "Hey, Bucky. Don't worry, Kiara'll be safe."

"I know." He sighed.

"I'm sorry for what I've done." Loki said out of the blue.

"It's not your fault, Loki." Wanda responded. "We all have our little flaws. I helped Ultron, Bucky was The Winter Soldier, Thor's commited treason, Nat used to be an enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D." I looked at the floor at that last part. "And Steve.... uh, Steve is...." Wanda trailed off.

"An old man?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that." Wanda laughed.

"I guess you're right." Loki smiled.

"Don't worry, Steve. We'll be old men together." Bucky patted Steve's shoulder.

"You bet we will." Steve answered. Thor pointed to something in the distance.

"It's Kiara." He told us.

"Let's go, then." Bucky instructed. We walked to where Thor pointed to and came across a house made of ice. 

"Did Kiara do this?" I wondered aloud.

"I think she did." Loki replied.

"Did you know about this?" I turned to Bucky.

"No, I had no idea." Bucky responded as we walked inside the ice-house.

"Here goes nothing." I muttered. Kiara was the most stubborn person I knew, after Tony, of course.

"Kiara!" Bucky called. "Kiara, it's your brother, Bucky. Please come out!"

"You shouldn't be here." Kiara said behind us.

"Kiara, you're alright." Bucky began to walk towards his sister.

"No, don't come any closer." Kiara warned. "Please."

"Kiara, you have to come with us. If you don't, Tony and the others will find you." Steve told her. "They plan to kill you."

"I know, that's why I left."

"What do you mean you knew?" Bucky asked.

"I knew they would try and kill me, so I fled." Kiara looked at him.

"You could've told me where you were going!"

"It would've put you in danger." Kiara's voice had remained surprisingly calm throughout this conversation.

"I'm your brother!"

"That would just make me less likely to tell you."

"And yet you told Loki."

"What? No, I never- oh." Kiara realised how we had found her.

"So you did tell him?"

"No, we were talking telepathically and I mentioned Antarctica. So, my guess is that Loki assumed I was coming here." Kiara glared at Loki. "And now I must insist you all leave. Right now."

"I'm not going anywhere." Bucky insisted.

"Then you leave me no choice." Kiara summoned some green fire around her hands. "If you don't leave, you are forcing me to do this. Please, leave, before I-" Kiara was cut off by Steve shooting her with a tranquilliser dart. The fire Kiara had summoned disappeared and she collapsed on the ground.

"That went well."


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