Mikey likes food play

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Hc: we all know mikey is like the energizer bunny when it comes to doin the nasty but when will he slow his roll? Food. Whippped cream on that pussy and pepperoni on ya nips he will enjoy you slow all night long~.


"babycakeeees!" you could hear mikey yell from the kitchen "yes babe?!" you hell back refusing to get up from your comfy spot on the couch "I GOT THE BEST IDEA EVEA!" he runs into the living room scooping you up "damit mike what the hell are you doing!?" he softly swong you over his shoulder and made a b-line for his bedroom. Once he was in be closed the door and put you on his bed holding something out of your sight "ok babe you know how you always say your ip for anything in the bed?" he said with a smirk mixed with his i-really-really-want-this face you sighed "yea sweetie i remember why? You get a new toy or somethin?" you ask he the shows you what he had in mind and you blush deeply kinda opening you mouth he only smiles and leans toward you embracing you in a passionate kiss leading to a tounge wrestle and him pinning you and your tounge down at the same time he began kissing down to your jaw earning few moans then you took off your shirt knowing what he wanted he chirred and smirked as you did this "i hope your sticky after this then we can have a round two in the shower~" he says in a hungry lustful tone"babe just eat me already" you say pun intended he giggles and goes over to the food stash he brought turning away only to look back and see your completely naked body he almost dropped the pepperoni but after a small fumble he got it and climbed on top of your gorgeous self he placed them in a small pattern on your upper half stopping just above your waistline the spicy smell of pepperoni filled the air "not done yet boo now i gotta prepare my dessert~" fuck why was his voice so deep and dominant today? you thought he slid down your body slowly spreading your knees hiking them up onto his shoulders "Ahh!" you gasp at the sudden cold feeling of whipped cream on your womanhood he layered it up like the freaking  leanimg tower of piza  and added a few more sprays on your inner thighs "time for me to chow down on my beautiful lady" he threw aside the can and went to work on your chest slowly licking up the food your moans only made him go slower for once. This is like his way of teasing licking, sucking, biting making sure he gets all the bits and pieces when he was done he gave you a smooch then was soon between your legs damn he is hungry

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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