Got7 - Bambam

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Ughhh where could he be?? He's always running late! You pull out your phone and text bambam. *hey where are you!?* You've been impatiently waiting at the park for almost 30 minutes and he never showed up. You then get a text from him. *I'll be there soon (Y/N)* All of a sudden somebody from behind covered your eyes. "Quit playing games and show yourself..." You knew it was your crush Bambam. Although you liked him, you didn't really show it. "Hey I'm sorry I'm late (Y/N)...practice ran late..." Bambam says with a sad look on his face. "It's okay Bambam but you could've said something sooner..." You said as you rolled your eyes. "I wanted to make it up to you so I got you these" He presented you with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates. "Another reason I was running late". Your eyes widened in shock because he's never done anything like this to you before. "Awwww Bambam, this is so sweet of you! You shouldn't have" you both started blushing. "Do you wanna come back to my place and meet my members?" You've always wanted to meet the rest of Got7. "I'd love to". His manager picks up the both of you and drives you down to their dorm. As soon as you got out of the car you saw the members standing by the door as if they knew you were coming. "Bambam is this the girl you keep talking about?" Jackson asks. You gave a confused look at Bambam. "Hyung~" he said, blushing, and hitting Jackson. You giggled at his cuteness. "Hi I'm Yugyeom" he says smiling at you. "Hi" you smiled back. "I'm JB, this is Jr., he's Youngjae, and that's Mark. " JB said, introducing the other members. "Nice to meet you guys! I'm (Y/N)" Then Mark comes up to you. "Hey (Y/N)" "yes?" "Are you and Bambam a thing?" You froze there, not knowing what to say. You think to yourself. *What do I tell him? Bambam is right there!! I dont know what to say!! * "uhhh... We're not really a thing... " "But you like Bambam right?" *what really!? You had to ask that when the guy is standing next to you!?* You ran outside of embarrassment. You had these thoughts going on in your mind saying "what if he doesn't like me? What if he finds me weird? What if I say something horrible...? " you just thought negatively. "Did I say something?" Mark asks. "Ughh hyung!!!" Bambam yells. He goes outside to find you and tries to comfort you. "(Y/N), are you okay?" "I'm fine.. I'm sorry I ran out like that" "don't be it's okay" you looked away in shame. "So what did Mark ask you that made you run away?" "Um... He asked me if I liked you..." He smiles and you look at him with a puzzled face. "So... Do you like me?" "I uh... I do..." You looked down at your feet thinking that they are more interesting. "(Y/N) I have something to tell you-" Oh here it comes... He's gonna tell me otherwise and it's all over for me... "- I like you too!" Well that took a whole different turn! "R-Really?" You said, surprised. "Of course I do! I liked you ever since we we're little kids." "Omg same!" "Did you look in the chocolate box yet?" "No why?" "There's a little something in there" You were very confused but you opened the chocolate box and on the roof of the box, was a ring taped to it. You looked at Bambam. "What's this Bambam?" "It's a promise ring. If you wear it, it means that you're promising your love to me and you'll be mines. So, (Y/N), would you be my girlfriend?" He says taking your hand. You paused for a moment leaving him waiting. "Um... -" His smile was slowly disappearing. "- of course I'll be your girlfriend!!!" You said smiling and hugging him. He then takes the ring and puts it on your right ring finger. "I'm so happy to call you mines babe~" he winks. You blush and kiss his cheek. "WOOHOO!!!! BAMBAMS GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" you and Bambam overheard the other members cheering. "Aish..." Bambam groaned. "Let them be them baby~ after all they kinda did help us be together" "your right jagiya" And you guys were the happiest couple.

(Omg I'm so sorry that this is a very late update but I've been pretty busy. Hoped you guys enjoyed this one. It's not at great and the ending is pretty bad so you can give me some feedback but thank you for the love and support!!)

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