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Where there is light, there must be darkness and, where there is darkness, there must be light. One cannot survive without the other. Balance between the two energies must be equal, or all life will end.

For many years, peace on A'rth depended heavily on the two major factions; the Light and the Dark.
The Light side, who were considered 'good' and 'rightous', were mainly magic users called Mages and 'light' creatures - like light unicorns, fire Phoenix, High Elves, griffons and such. Led by the Mages, the Light Side held a strict view on the world and saw everything in black and white.

Whereas the Dark side, thought to be 'evil' and 'repugnant', consisted mainly of Mages using 'dark magic' (like necromancy, black magic and blood magic), magical creatures that were closer to their baser instincts - such as giants, werewolves, vampires and inferi. As a oppose to the Light, within the Dark side, there were many different factions that all reported to the Shadow Council.

A few hundred years after peace, an ambitious necromancer caused the Inferi Infestation and the Light and Dark banded together to seal the monstrous creatures away. However, this event reinforced the beliefs and ways of Light and forced their hand.

The events that followed were disastrous as the Light side slowly eradicated the Dark through mass attacks, slavery and imprisonment. The only ones to survive were the lucky few who escaped.
In a grey, lifeless world, the Darkness must hide from the Light while desperately fighting for their freedom. Amongst the shadows, young and old meet in secret in hopes of finding a way to succeed.

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