Chapter 2 The Gate (not complete)

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Chapter Two - the Forbidden Gate

The Forbidden Gate was hand crafted by the goblins, known for their mighty and powerful weaponry, and the High Clifton Sirens, the most powerful sirens clan before their fall to the Light, at the height of the Inferi epidemic. A mastery of machine and magic, the Gate stood 200 feet tall and 100 wide and somehow appeared carved into the mountain side rather than placed.

The once white twists of metal, now a pitch black, curled and arch in what was once a beautiful floral patterns; to symbolise the abundance of life to come. Blackened vines, flowers and plant life stubbornly clung to the tarnished Gate, adding to it's cursed allure.

Starr had thought that the pressure of the tainted magic would have dissipated by the time they reached this point but it was stronger than at the Threshold. Glancing at her companions, the Dark Elf noted that Rain looked ready to pass out while Du'Gah started to look affected. Cursing, she hastened her steps' eyes frantically searching for the null space.

Struggling to keep up, Rain was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. 'I -,' he gasped as he scrambled to continue only tripping over his own feet and fall.

Du'Gah's usually quick reflexes failed him as he tried to catch his small friend. Heaving the downed wolf into his arms, the giant shuffled forwards. 'Must hurry,' he urged to Starr.

'I know! The - the null space should be -!' She cut herself off with a sigh of relief. 'Here. It is here.' To Du'Gah, she said, 'Quickly! Bring the feral over here, into the null space.

Lumbering next to her, the giant gasped as he felt the pressure disappear from his shoulders. Looking to his friend, Du'Gah was relieved to Rain was already conscious and aware.

A gargled croak slipped from the wolf's dry mouth, 'Wha-?'

'I am sorry, Rain,' Starr almost sobbed, pressing her hands against her face, the unexpected had rattled her more than she would like to admit.

Crosseyed, Rain hiccuped, 'Huh?'

Sniffing, the ancient Elf mumbled into her hands, 'I did not know it would be like this... I - No one has ever been this close to the Gate since the sealing.' Clearing her thought, the blonde raised her head, 'It was painful. Many who helped us knew the Inferi as they had been friends and family before their death and rising. I do not know how their power has managed to seep out so much - its contaminated the very ground...'

Getting his second wind, Rain sat up and, seeing the snooty Elf act so out of sorts, felt guilty for causing some the trouble. Flicking his hand, he stood and quickly dismissed the entire issue. 'Don't worry about it, lady. How were you suppose to know.' He paused before saying, 'Let's just open this thing so we can get inside.' Rain only hoped that it would better inside then where they were but, somehow, he doubted it.

Still sniffling, Starr straightened her shoulders before standing herself. 'You're right!' She cheered, a grimace like smile twisted across her face; her thoughts similar to her werewolf companion. Grabbing a nearby stick, the Elf swiftly marked out the null space and pushed the two men as far back as she could whilst they were still in the space.

'You need to stay here while I release the locks on the Gate. Don't distract me,' she warned. Smirking slightly, Starr added over her shoulder - mostly at Rain, 'I almost want to make you stand outside the null space but since Fainting Princess here can't handle it, so I'd better not.'

Her cutting words were laced with humour and it tickled the wolf pink. It was Starr's unique way of trying to cheer him up whilst reminding him she was still a hard arse.

Sucking in a deep breath, the petit blonde planted her feet shoulder width part before stretched her arms above her head. Flaring them out, Starr brought them downwards until her hands positioned at the centre of her chest and created a rough diamond shape with her hands. Focusing her magic, she centred it directly in the middle of her hands, her eyes trained on the barely visible figure twisted into the centre of the Gate's frame halfway up. Starr and the figure stood the exact same way and, once her magic had connected with the figure, she stated chanting.

As the words spilled off Starr's tongue, the Gate slowly began to light up; starting at the figure before spreading like fireflies. Du'Gah and Rain couldn't understand the words as they had be specially crafted for the Gate but it sound mystical and the weight and pain of the Threshold seemed to vanish from their bodies.

Rain closed his eyes in bliss, Starr's angelic gibberish soothed even the deepest pains of his inner wolf.

Du'Gah, however, fixed his eyes upon the Gate. His people had many stories for the Forbidden Gate of the Inferi but he could never had imagined it would be as beautiful as what was before him. The mesmerising display of light lifted his heart and, for the first time since his birth, he felt hope for the Dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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