Chapter One

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A crisp fog whispered through the brisling leaves as it travelled through the dense forest; the air buzzed with the calls of the nestling birds preparing for the night ahead. The gentle chirping of the crickets and trickle of the stream were broken by the sound of gravel underfoot. A trio of travelers, who couldn't be more different from each other, slowly made their way up the long and winding path.

Lumbering partway in front was a large burly man, who stood a good four feet above his companions. His large bare feet slapped against the gravel as he tried to shorten his steps to keep pace with the others. He wore long pants that was coarse to the touch; tied tightly below his large belly with a bit of rope and a matching vest that barely cover his large hairy chest. His head was a mess of dried mud and spiky black moss-like hair that stuck up everywhere. There was dried mud smeared across his face as well, half concealing his small beady little black eyes from view. A large squashed, bulbous nose occupied the centre of his face and his thin lips almost seemed to be cut into his face and affixed into a semi-permanent grimace.

A short woman, standing at 5'7", strode swiftly behind the giant; her jewel embroidered  battle robes glistened in the fading sun. Her sharp purple eyes stared through the trees, looking for danger; her ample lips pulled tightly into a severe frown. With her arms clenched to her long bow in case of attack, she flicked at the long wisps of silver blonde hair flickering around her as they were pulled from her high ponytail. Hidden amongst her blinding hair, two elegantly pointed ears. Her enchanted black and green battle robes were tightly fitted to her hourglass form; charms easily concealed the weapons stashed across her person. She was clearly on edge as they continued down the trail.

The final member of the group was a tall man by normal standards with short spiky light green hair and a scruffy look goatee. Tromping along the path, his long boot clad feet thumped loudly against the ground and his chains jingled as he skipped around puddles and danced over stray branches. His pale pink eyes were half closed in apparent content as they too scanned the surrounding around intently as his thin lips pursed out to release a content little hum. With his hands shoved into his leather jacket pockets, he looked rather relaxed with his tattered black jeans covered in metal chains and the almost 'jolly' way he moved. Pulling his lips into a smirk, he snarled, 'Aren't we a little tense?'

The woman tensed up as her step faulted slightly before continuing without paused. 'To what do refer, feral?' She sneered back, her beautiful face twisted into someone beyond imagination as she did so.

'Now, Starr,' the man's face could almost have split in two his grin was so wide, clearly showing his white, razor sharp teeth, 'don't be like that. I'm -'

A loud booming voice cut him off before he could continue, 'We not here to argue. Lady Starr, how much further we travel?' Slightly ahead of them, the giant hadn't even bothered to look back as his companions were constantly at each other's throats.

Pursing her lips, Starr allowed herself a moment to calm down. I should not allow Rain to affect me so, she scolded herself before speaking to her companion. 'It is not much further, Du'Gah. About another five minutes and we will be able to see the Gate.'


Slightly put off by Du'Gah's redirection, Rain tried a different way to irritate Starr whilst fishing for information. With an over exaggerated sigh, the man moaned, 'Man! Why are you in charge again, Starr?'

The Dark Elf barely withheld her urge to roll her eyes before hissing, 'I am the only one who knows the way and of how to unseal them.'

'Oh yeah, cuz you're old.' Rain smirked before turning the conversation to the more serious topic, 'Were you really there? When they sealed them?' Pausing, he added, 'Why not just kill them?'


Stopping, the blonde stared at Du'Gah in shock, 'H-how?'

Smirking, the giant man shrugged, 'Peoples tink all giants dumb but we have our way and our stories. De Inferi one. Many giants know Inferi can't be killed while King live.'


Grimacing at Rain manners, Starr elaborated for the giant friend, 'All the Inferi risen by Necromacers are connect to the original one, who was raised millennia ago. He is referred to as the King. -'

'King Adder?' Rain suddenly chirped.

'Yes, I'm sure the werewolves have their own version of naught bedtime stories,' Starr bemoaned before continuing. 'In order to kill the Inferi, we would need to find King Adder and kill him first.'

Feeling like his brain was starting to toast, the scruffy man huffed, 'Why not just get rid of Adder then?'

Silence greeted his question. Listening to the crunching sound of the gravel, the twittering of the night life and the fading steam, Rain felt his cheeks heat up; had he said something stupid again? The silence was finally broken by Du'Gah's loud boorish laughter.

'Not be so nervous, Lady Starr! Can simply say not know what look like.'

Feeling her own cheeks redden, Starr finally groused out, "You are right, of course, Du'Gah. The reason we didn't kill them is because we didn't know what King Adder looked like... It would have taken centuries to process through the Inferi to actually find him.'

Rain opened his mouth to ask another question when he glanced forwards and stopped short. The road ahead had darkened considerably and it didn't appear to have anything to do with the night. It looked almost as if what lay ahead sucked the light from it's surroundings. Slowly forcing himself forwards again, the werewolf felt a chill crawl up his spine when he gazed upon the very dead grass that met the black hole of darkness. Sweeping his eyes over the path ahead, Rain gasped, 'Why is it all dead?'

'The Inferi,' was all the reply he received.

As they drew closer to the impenetrable darkness, the sounds of wildlife diminished until they were completely silent; only their footfalls accompanied their hearing. The trees, shrubs and other plants wilted and were blackened, most definitely dead but almost a hollowed shadow of what it was meant to be.

When they finally cross what seemed to be the start of all the decay, the Threshold, the trio were forced to stop as a powerful wave of tainted magic washed over them.

Starr gazed upwards before murmuring, 'Forgive me. This is normal. I - I should have forewarned you. It will pass soon.'

Gritting his teeth, Rain almost threw up under the demented spell while Du'Gah merely shrugged his massive shoulders, mostly unaffected.

Slowly, the feeling of a heavy burden upon their shoulders lessened to the point they could continue their journey. At first, their steps were slowly and heavy as the ache from the magic still resonated wishing their bones. Weathered by the Threshold, Rain hadn't the energy to even lift his head upright let alone annoy Starr, who looked a little pale herself.

'Have we not the time to rest a moment!' He suddenly cried, almost collapsing to the ground. Although it was not as strong, Rain could still feel the tainted magic of the Inferi whispering and hissing through his body. It was an experience he would remember for the rest of his life and forever wish to forget.

'Nah,' Du'Gah said, his voice quiet for once; his eyes affixed at what was ahead.

Still looking downwards, the weary werewolf growled, 'Why!? Why can we not rest for but a moment!?'

A massive hand shot towards Rain and righted his head. 'Because we here, wolf man.'

Before them stood the gate....

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