Chapter 27: it takes two...

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Red woke up with sci in his arms. He smiled and kissed sci's skull.

"You really are cute when you sleep."

"Thanks. So are you" sci muttered sleepily.

Red blushed and smiled awkwardly. Sci smiled, pulled red's skull towards him, and kissed him.

"So what do you want to do?" red asked.

"Anything, as long as i'm with you."

Red blushed. "Shut up... l-let's go to waterfall."

Sci chuckled and kissed red. "Anything you want cutie."

Red smiled. "Okay, just stop with the flattery."

They left the guest room and walked to waterfall. When they got there, they saw alphys' lab and sci knocked on the door. Alphys opened the door and looked shocked at the two sans standing in front of her.

"Uhh... sans? Why are there two of you? And why are you both wearing wierd clothes?"

"Oh right. I guess blue forgot to tell you." red said chuckling.

"Umm... who are you two?" alphys asked, confused.

"Well i'm sans from underfell, and this is sans from sciencetale." red smiled.

"Eh. whatever. I don't care. It's all just nerdy geek stuff to me. Anyways, whaddaya want?"

"Well we were wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with undyne and us." sci said.

"Uh-undyne? Sh-sure."

"Great! C'mon." red smiled and lead sci and alphys to undyne's house.

When they got there, undyne had the same reaction as alphys, except, more excited. After the three explained, undyne excitedly ran inside and looked for a book that was about alternate universes. She skimmed over it while alphys and the sans's let themselves in. the sans's helped undyne understand why they were there. And alphys picked out the most action-filled anime movie she could find. They stayed there almost the whole day watching movies. When they left, sci went to the guest room while red left to see stretch. When he arrived at blue and stretch's house, he saw edge sitting in front of the house, leaning on it.

"Hey bro. You okay? You seem a bit upset."

"R-red? Why are you here?"

"To talk to stretch. And you also didn't answer my question."

"Oh... no. i'm n-not okay. Blue keeps fighting with me and it's gotten so bad that i've had to sleep in stretch's room."

"You guys fight?! About what!?" red was worried.

"It depends. Usually it's about the fight between stretch and i."

"I'm sorry. We shouldn't have come here."

"Are you kidding? I love it here. I love blue and you're here as well. And besides, if we go back, everyone will kill us."

"Alright. Well i'm gonna talk to stretch. I'll talk to blue for you as well."


Red knocked on the door and stretch answered.

"Oh hey. You wanna come in?"

"Yeah. i'm mostly here to talk to you."


They went up to stretch's room. Red sat on the bed next to stretch. He looked at the floor while stretch just looked at red.

"It's really nice to see you again. And i'm really glad we're talking again too."

"Yeah. i know how you feel. Yesterday i wanted to talk to you, but i figured you wanted to talk to me too."

"Oh... yeah. i wanted to tell you what happened. You see-"

"I already know. Sci told me about the note and the... uh... drug thing."

"Then you're not mad at me?"

Red looked at stretch shocked.

"Of course not stretch! Look, i love you so much and i could barely stand being away from you! Yesterday when i walked away, it broke my heart. I walked all the way to judgement hall and back because i felt so bad, and when i got back, you two were talking and it just made me feel worse. I felt like i had betrayed you and..."

Red couldn't finish because stretch was kissing red. When they pulled back, red had tears streaming down his cheeks.

"it's okay red. You didn't betray me. You just did what you had to do to cope."

There was silence for a little bit, except for some sniffling from red. After a while, red broke the silence.

"S-stretch? *sniff"

"Yeah red?"

"I l-love y-ou..."

"I love you too sans."

They kissed again. More passionately this time.

"I missed you so much..."

"I missed you too."

"Paps, can i ask you something?"

"You can tell me anything. But it's something serious since you called me 'paps'... so go ahead. Ask away."

"Would it be okay if i stayed with you and sci?"

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