Chapter 33: Traces of the past

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It had been a couple weeks since red and edgy had moved in with the swap skelebros. Stretch and red had met, but they just nodded to eachother. They said hi once in a while but they never really talked. Stretch was sitting on the couch and red was making food. Edgy and blue had gone to alphys's house to watch anime with her and undyne, so they were gone for a few days. Sci had decided to go see his brother again for a while and wouldn't be back for a week, which meant that stretch and red were alone in the house together.

"Hey paps, whaddaya want for breakfast?"
Red yelled from the kitchen

"I don't really care. Make whatever"
Stretch yelled back

Red decided to make potato waffles. He grabbed a bottle of mustard and a bottle of honey. When he gave the honey to stretch, he looked confused.

"Uhh how did you know i like honey?"

"I don't know. I just guessed."

Red sat next to stretch and ate his food, but stretch sat there, still confused.

"You okay paps?"
Red looked worried

Stretch snapped out of it
"Huh? Yeah. I'm fine."

"You looked really confused for a second. You sure you're okay?"

Stretch nodded and started eating.

After they finished eating, Stretch got up, but red grabbed his hand. A memory flashed just for a second

It was red, apologizing for not talking to stretch

When it ended, stretch looked shocked. He looked at red

"What... just... happened?"

"That was a memory... But it usually only happens between people who soulshare..."

"Wait... Are you the one i-"

"Soulshared with!?!?" They asked in unison

Stretch and red pulled out thier souls... But stretch's soul was an orange red and not the same purple as red's was.

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