The Twins

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Thing 1: My dad sent me this😂😂😂
PineconeFace 1: Artemis is going to kill both of you and 2: WHO HACKED MY ACCOUNT! 😡😡😡😡
Seaweed_Brain Lol 4 both
PineconeFace Jackson you better not have done this
Seaweed_Brain Thanks for the compliment Thalia but no I didn't do that
GhostKing Did you actually think he was smart enough to do that?
PineconeFace Good point Di Angelo, neither of you are smart enough to pull this off
Sparky What happened to Artemis and Apollo and what happened to your name Thalia 😂😂
PineconeFace Jason do not laugh
Wise_Girl Why don't you change it back?
PineconeFace It won't let me
PineconeFace Annabeth! Did you do this?! 😡
Wise_Girl Why would I? I have nothing to gain, I don't even think it's funny
RepairBoy I think it's hilarious! 😂😂😂
RepairBoy Hey!
Seaweed_Brain Hi! 😀
RepairBoy Very funny Jackson. WHO DID THIS!
PineconeFace This is the first and last time I'm doing this. I'm with Leo, WHO DID THIS!? 😡😡😡
Beauty_Queen HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SO HILARIOUSLY FUNNY! My sides hurt from laughing so hard and I've got tears falling down my face. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
PineconeFace Piper did you do this
RepairBoy Yeah did you
Beauty_Queen No, I don't have a death wish, Thalia not you Leo
HotterThanTheSun Artemis I knew where we were going!
ImmortalHuntress HERMES!
Messenger Yes Artemis?
ImmortalHuntress Look at what your son did?
Seaweed_Brain The Gods crash the post great, I'm out. Later 😎✌🏼
Messenger I'm quite offended
ImmortalHuntress As am I
HotterThanTheSun Same
Wise_Girl I've an important meeting to get to, bye
Beauty_Queen I'm with Kelphead, see ya 😎✌🏼️
RepairBoy Wait for me Pipes
PineconeFace I've got someone to beat up
Messenger Did they all leave because of us?
ImmortalHuntress I think they just did
Messenger Right then, bye. I've got a package to deliver.

Percy Jackson,Heroes of Olympus and Kane Chronicles on InstagramOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora