Never Make Fun of Sadie (Especially When She's Angry)

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Carter_Kane: Look at what I found

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Carter_Kane: Look at what I found... Sadie, Walt, Anubis

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Who drew that!

I'maGod/Boy: Anubis did!

Just_A_Death_God: No! Walt did!

MessWithMe_I_Mess WithhYou: I don't care who did it! I just want to know why!

Seaweed_Brain: At least it's a nice picture 😀

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Shut up Percy 😡

Wise_Girl: 😂😂😂😂

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Are you laughing at me? 😡

Wise_Girl: Not at the picture, at the 'Shut up Percy' thing 😂

Seaweed_Brain: Not nice Wise Girl ☹️

I'm_Not_Goth_I'm_Punk: You are welcome to join the hunt Sadie. Boys can be idiots.

Seaweed_Brain: I'm hurt that you think that way Thalia, very hurt.

I'm_Not_Goth_I'm_Punk: Percy there is a reason why everyone calls you Kelp Head and it's because you are an idiot

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Hey demigods! Stop hijacking magician's posts

I'm_Not_Goth_I'm_Punk: But it's so much fun

Wise_Girl: I just wanted to know if you saw Jason's last post?

I'maGod/Boy: I did, I have no answers for your mysterious guy

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Can we please get back to the problem at hand! Which one of you idiots drew this!!!!!

I'maGod/Boy: Will you believe that neither of us drew this but Felix did.

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: No

Just_A_Death_God: Carter drew it

Carter_Kane: No I didn't

Seaweed_Brain: Hey Sadie I think it's very realistic and artistic

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Jackson stop

Seaweed_Brain: I don't understand why you are so angry, you ended up with both of them any way

Carter_Kane: Percy if I were you, I'd stop

Seaweed_Brain: Nah, its not like she's going to come all the way to Long Island just to beat me up

I'maGod/Boy: Well she just left

I'm_Not_Goth_I'm_Punk: Nooooo!

Seaweed_Brain: Awe are you worried for me Thals?

I'm_Not_Goth_I'm_Punk: No, I'm upset that I don't get to watch Sadie beat you up ☹️

Wise_Girl: Don't worry I'll film it😏

Seaweed_Brain: Your not going to stop her?!😨

Wise_Girl: You were the idiot that made her angry

Flaming_Valdez: Why is Percy getting beat up by a cute blonde chick who isn't Annabeth😎

I'maGod/Boy: I'm that cute blonde chick's boyfriend 😡

Flaming_Valdez: I didn't mean that sort of cute, I meant little baby cute! Like Hazel cute!👐

Beauty_Queen: Hahahahaha😂😂😂

Flaming_Valdez: Shut up Piper

Carter_Kane: How did you even see this post neither of you two are following me

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: All done. Annabeth if you still want your bf alive you might want to take him to your camp's infirmary

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Carter no one follows you and anyone who does, does it out of pity

Flaming_Valdez: You are such a nice sister

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: I know right😏

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Now Carter remove this post or you are going to end up like Percy

Amos.Kane: Sadie I don't think it would be a smart thing to beat up the Pharaoh

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Uncle Amos!!!

Carter_Kane: haha

Amos.Kane: Carter stop trying to embarrass your sister, I saw you drawing this yesterday. Now take down this post

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: YOU DREW IT!!!!!!!

Carter_Kane: You know what I'm so glad I'm not in Brooklyn at the moment

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Walt! Get a portal ready to Egypt. I'm going to hurt my brother

Amos.Kane: Sadie.

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Not physically of course

I'maGod/Boy: Yes Sadie. See you soon Carter

Carter_Kane: ZIA!!!! HELP!!!!😨

Girl_On_Fire: This is your own fault, I'm not saving you from your sister

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Hey Annabeth we're still going out tomorrow with your friends right?

Wise_Girl: Yep

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou: Great bye, I'll see if Zia and Jaz can come

Wise_Girl: Sounds like a plan, see ya

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