The Mystery Revealed

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Seaweed_Brain posted a photo with Wise_Girl

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Seaweed_Brain posted a photo with Wise_Girl

Anyone else seeing a pattern here^^^

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I'm_Punk_Not_Goth Annabeth that is a little worrying

AngelQueen Too bad you weren't around when I died.

TheHuntress Really Bianca. I think Elysium is fine.

AngelQueen Zoe it was a joke!!!

TheHuntress Oh sorry!

MessWithMe_I_MessWithYou You're cousin died?

Wise_Girl When you put it that way, I see the pattern.

Beautifulone You think?

Wise_Girl Were you aiming for sarcasm?

I_build_things Yes she was

I_Apparently_Died_A_Hero Annabeth should I be worried or impressed

Wise_Girl Percy!! You see what you've done now!!

Seaweed_Brain I don't see what I did!!

Flaming_Valdez Percy died?

Seaweed_Brain No I didn't die, I went missing for a couple weeks after I made a volcano explode

Beauty_Queen You say that so casually, like you make volcanoes explode every other week.

Sparky How did you make a volcano explode?

Seaweed_Brain Earthquake

JewelGirl Percy can cause earthquakes as well?

Animal-boy I'm not that surprised

Flaming_Valdez Really cause I am!

Sparky You caused an earthquake.  

Wise_Girl Yes he did, now that we know Percy is an extremely powerful demigod and that a lot of people come back from the death around me, can we please get to more pressing issues.

Garden_Gal Like what?

Wise_Girl The person who's stalking us

Thing_1 We know who

Thing _2 it is...

Seaweed_Brain Really?! HOW?!

RevengeIsMyMiddleName Excited Percy? 

Thing_1 Well we looked at all the facts

Thing_2  Like the photo he appeared in and his comments

Thing_1 And we came up with two possible suspects.

Garden_Gal Your dad told you didn't he

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