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(Mah favorite )

Option 1: On a rainy day Shadow sees Amy walking past him with her head down and tears coming out, he thinks it's the rain and ignores her by looking away. Amy was crying over Sonic because he beat her for hitting Sally with her hammer, she had a black eye and one of her ribs we're broken. Amy saw Shadow staring but she continued to walk home. Once Amy got there she went into her room and fell on to her bed crying louder, Days later she finally felt better and took down everything that she has of Sonic even the birthday gifts and threw them in her trash bin outside. She kept one picture and put it in her closet. Shadow  was at Tails house with everyone else but Amy. A few minutes later everyone but Shadow and Sonic agreed that Sonic should go check up on Amy, Why can't Shadow check up on her?? Sonic said. Everyone stayed quiet until Cream said that's a great idea and that they'll be in the bushes if he needed help. Shadow looked at everyone and said no.
"Please Shadow I'll let you have that chaos emerald" Sonic begged. Shadow put his hand out, "chaos emerald first and then I'll go" Shadow said. Sonic gave him the Chao emerald and grinned "now let's go"!  (Back to Amy) Amy was painting her house red and the roof stayed the same, (she had went to the store and came back)
Shadow and the rest were in the bushes. "Go.." Cream whispered. Shadow went up to her and cleared his throat. "Rose?"
Amy looked down and saw Shadow. "Oh hey Shadow, what brings you here?" She said as she climbed down. "Just a visit.." he said.
Amy looked at him in shock. "Visit?..but you never visit me.." she said. Shadow looked down and saw a trash can with pictures inside. "What's this?" He asked. (Continue from there)

Option 2: ( pregnant girl) Amy and Shadow had a one night stand the other night at Rouge's party, days later
Amy stayed in her house, scared of what everyone thinks of her a few weeks later Amy found out that she was pregnant. She went to Shadow's house and knocked on the door few minutes later he answer the door and glared at her. "What do you want?" He mumbled. Amy looked up at him and smiled. "I'm pregnant.." Shadow just stood there laughing. "Why are you telling me?? " He said."The baby is yours..remember at the party.." Amy said quietly. Well I don't want a kid and Your a desperate pink hedgehog so put them together and we aren't a match and I don't like you your annoying! He shouted. That baby is a mistake and doesn't belong here actually you don't belong here so leave. He continued.
Amy didn't cry she or yell she just stood there staring at him. "This baby isn't a mistake..I will leave and when you guilty trying to find me and MY won't.." she turned around and made he way home. Amy wanted to move into a different house a different city, her friends were disgusted, cream was disappointed and Sonic yelled at her, so she had no one. A day later she got on a train with her clothes everything but her red dress, red boots and headband.(sorry it's long and continue from here)

Option 3: make your own

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