Note/Help -3-

200 14 45

I need some help with opinions, with theses one

Knuckles: need 1 more

Boom Scourge: need 2 more

Maid Sonic: need 2 more

Maid Silver:need 2 more

Maid and master(Sonadow): need 1 more

Naga Sonic: need 2 more

Vampire Sonic:need 2 more

Any ideas :3

I'm going to update Shadamy, I just need one more for Knuckles today then I'll update Knuckles.
And I'm make another Scourge one. (Scourge is mah favorite ;-; ) y'all should really start rping with others it would help me a lot..please rp with each other...oh and you can join how much rp's you want but please be patient.

Short Note:
Sorry if I haven't been rping with most of y'all! But I'll go through all the rp's and reply to them, it's hard when you get rushed .-. I want to read sometimes and text others, sometimes I don't even get your message and y'all still rush meh if I don't reply if days that means I didn't get your message.

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