Chapter 2: Mark Collins

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"Should I go get the others ,Cabe?" Ralph asked, looking directly at him. Cabe nodded and Ralph made his way over to the roof door where all the others were. Rhianna stood by herself until she felt an arm going around her shoulder. She looked up and Toby was smiling down at her,"Your mother used to do that, still does" Toby chuckled,throwing a glance over at Happy who was now wearing his beloved fedora. The hat suited her, with her black curls draping over her face and her black clothes. Rhianna frowned, "Mom used to hit you when you tried to help her out of the rabbit hole?" She asked. Toby nodded," Yeah but it doesn't bother me, I love her too much to let it bother me, plus we all used to get hit when she was in a mood. She once threw a hammer at someone I had asked in to help me apologise then she called me a stupid dummy moron jerk". Rhianna laughed and Happy looked over at them and smiled at Toby and their daughter. "So what's this Job about?" Happy asked walking over and leaning against Toby. Tom looked at the three, "So you guys have a family within your job? Doesn't that mess with you efficiency or something?" Tom asked. Walter stood up and walked over to him, "That's what I thought at first but since Happy and Toby got together their work has been exceptional except for a few slip ups but it's made us more like a team, so don't you ever doubt the efficiency of my team" Walter growled. Paige quickly walked over and pulled him away. The door to the roof opened and a hoard of people filed down. Ralph followed by Sly, Lettie, Charlie, Sammy and Alex. They joined the rest of the team and Cabe cleared his throat," This is my team, This is Scorpion". Tom nodded and looked at them all, he was surprised to see some teenagers among them, as well as young adults. "Well we need your help with updating software to some cameras. There has been a lot of strange thefts recently, someone had been stealing blood from the blood bank and when we checked the security footage it had been wiped. We updated the software and when we checked again that had also been wiped" he said. Rhianna thought for a moment then started writing something down, everyone turned to looked at her expectantly. "Well when you checked the footage you had the cameras set to record, why don't you just set up a live feed between the cameras and link it to our computers" Rhianna said, her eyes flicking over her notes. "Erm..... We hadn't thought of that" Tom said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. Rhianna looked up and smiled, "That's why you're not a genius". Tom looked at Cabe who just shrugged. "At the FBI we have a very complicated system-" Tom was cut off by Lettie snorting, " Please, I created a more complicated system in my sleep" she said aloud. Tom ignored her and continued, "That's why we need you, our tech guys have tried and failed numerous times and we need your help and expertise". They all nodded," The teenagers will come up with the plans" Walter said, gesturing them to leave, "and Happy and Sly can work on the live feed software". Happy nodded, "easy as getting me to take this stupid hat off" she said, taking it off and flinging it towards a recycling bin. Toby almost screamed, diving forward to catch his hat. He looked round at Happy and glared, she started laughing and so did the others, except Tom. Tom watched as the teenagers left and waited till they were out of ear shot then turned to the adults. "There is some other information that I did not want to share in front of your kids. The thief left us clues as to who he is and we think we know". Everyone gave him a confused look," if you know who it is they why do you need the cameras?" Happy asked, turning to him. "We want to make sure we have this right before making accusations" Tom explained to them. Walter crossed his arms," so who do you think it is?". Tom gulped slightly,".......Mark Collins".

//their we go. Cliff hanger. What does Mark want? What's he going to do? Comment your ideas and I may use one if I like it enough. Until next time, Scorpion stings to all - Rhi xxx

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