Chapter 3 : Story Time

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Everyone slowly turned around and looked over at Happy and Toby. The colour from Happy's face had drained away and her knuckles were turning white where she was balling her hands into fists. The light had disappeared from Toby's eyes and his face was a bright red. "Toby? Do you want to... Um.... Refrain from this Job?" Walter asked slowly, seeing how much it was bothering them both. Toby snapped, "He ruined my life! He tried to kill me! He tried to take Happy away from me! I'm going to kill him if it's the last thing I do!" He screamed, cornering Walter. He was suddenly aware of someone crying; He turned around and Happy was bawling her eyes out, which was incredibly rare because she usually refused to show emotion in from of the team. Toby instantly regretted shouting and pulled her into his side, hugging her tightly. He placed his hand on the small of her back and rubbed his thumb in circles. Happy calmed down a little and her crying subsided to a few sniffles, "What if he gets to our kids Doc?" She whispered, sniffing loudly. Toby stiffened and hugged her tighter still, "I'd never let him do that, ever Happy. Don't even think about it, I love you" he whispered to her, kissing the top of her head. Suddenly the door to the roof swing open and a mob of pissed teenagers stood filling the stairs. "Someone left their comm in" Rhianna said, looking pointedly at Sly. Sly looked at the ground sheepishly and then looked at Happy, "please don't kill me Happy" he squeaked. "Jackass" she mumbled. Rhianna rolled her eyes and Lettie pushed her way through the crowd,"We did some research on this guy" she said. Rhianna held up her phone and then jerked her thumb towards Ralph," and Ralph remembers him from ages ago". Ralph put his arm around Rhianna and smiled at her. Happy sighed, "great". "Mark Collins is bad news, This mission is too dangerous for you guys" Toby said, rubbing circles on Happy's arm. Rhianna scoffed, "Mom, Dad, I've defused a nuclear bomb with only a second to spare.... Nothing is more dangerous than that". "Mark kidnapped your father to get back at the team, he nearly destroyed my life, and he nearly killed you too" Happy said, her face was deadly serious. Rhianna fell silent," I don't care, I want to help, I always help and you're not going to stop me" she hissed. Happy stepped back at the sudden change in tone within her daughter. Cabe looked over at Tom who was looking around the garage, anywhere but at the family drama. Cabe cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him, "Story time is over, we have a job to do".

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