Jobs to do

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Toby leaned against a table and sighed, "well, what do we have to do? I'm not really needed but I'm keeping Mark away from the girls so you're taking me". Cabe looked at him and nodded, "fine, just don't make it obvious that they are your kids, that would make him target them more". Rhianna looked around, anywhere to avoid looking at her mom. Lettie walked over to Happy and put her arms around her, "let it go, you know what she's like". Happy sighed and nodded, "she gets that from me. You on the other hand are all your father, just so open and free" she whispered to her, kissing the top of her head. Ralph took Rhianna's hand and squeezed it, "that was a little harsh Rhi". She sighed slightly and nodded, "I know" she whispered, looking down at her feet. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, "You don't have to worry so much, your mom loves you, no matter what you say, she loves you, more than anything in the world". Rhianna thought for a second, "Ralph, is this man really dangerous?" She asked. "From what I can remember, yeah he is" Ralph said, thinking a little bit. "What if he comes after me or Lettie?" She asked, suddenly scared. Ralph looked at her and then sat down, "Hey I won't let anyone hurt you, okay? I love you" he whispered to her, tucking some hair behind her ear. She smiled slightly and then picked up her jacket, "I'm going for a walk" she mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear. Happy looked up and watched her walk out of the door.

Rhianna walked down an alley way, kicking a soda can put in front of her. A man was watching her, a couple feet behind her and he accidentally knocked over a crate of carrots. She spun around and screamed as the man lunged at her.

The alley where she was attacked, was right behind the garage so everyone heard her scream. Ralph looked up at Toby and Happy who were running out of the door and followed them. When the reached the alley, the man was standing at the other end.

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