love triangle

95 10 38

maybe writing this chapter will cheer me up a little, anyways carry on now

2:45 am

Mira💕: where is evryone

Ryliey: up someones ass i bet

Mickey: tru

Ryliey: cammys probably eating som veggies tbh

cAmMy: no

Mickey: yeaa

cAmMy: maybe maybe not

Alex: hai

Ryliey: ALIX

Mickey: BBY ALUX

baby bear: but im baby *sad avocado*

Mira💕: u r my baby otttt 💕

baby bear: *happy avocado*

Rainbow Bean has changed the group name to IM HEREE

Mickey: niA

cAmMy: hi nia

Alex: hellow

Mira💕: niaa 💕

Rainbow: hello

Ryliey: where were you bitch

Rainbow: wowza what a warm welcome ryliey

Ryliey: i try (:

Mickey: yes ryliey sass heR

Rainbow: ...

Mira💕: its ok nia

Rainbow: ;-;

cAmMy: rickey teaming up on nia once again

Rainbow: ;-;

Mira💕: looks like mia surely is dead

Rainbow: ;;-;;

Ryliey: sorrynotsorry

Mickey: whoops

baby bear: 👀

Mira💕: otttt

baby bear: miraaaa

Rainbow: I feel like mira only comes for le ot

Ryliey: 👀

Mickey: whatsthetruth

Alex: memes are the truth

Mickey: alix

Alex: mickey

Rainbow: Nia

Ryliey: no.

Rainbow: ):

Ryliey: :/

Rainbow: )):

Mickey: 👀

cAmMy: mickey stop with those damn eyeballs is that the only emoji you hsve

Mickey: stop with those damn veggies is that the only food you eat youre going to turn green

Rainbow: yikes

baby bear: mickey hush

Ryliey: mickey dont hush

Mickey: i wont (;

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