Snap Chat

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Hi loves its me Mira not Nia this time lol

Everyone was walking through the park the after Ryliey had got done cleaning her moms car and Ot came back from cheer. But soon, they saw the familiar faces of the others.


Anyway one of the girls named Elliot walked up to Micket and pushed her to the ground and you know Rykiey wasn't gonna have so a fight broke out.

Mira got in the middle of everything and yelled. "Why are we fighting?! Lets love each other and stop being meanies!"
And of course everyone awwwed at her wanting peace all but one.


The baddest boy you'll ever met and he loves to fight.

Mickey rolled her eyes. " cammy, put the damn vegetables down" and pointed to the parents turning and leaving the park to get away from the action.
Jack all of a sudden wanted ice cream and Sam couldn't say no because Jack is her little baby boy.

Ryliey squinted at Kendall she saw her looking down at her frowning. "What is it woman"

Kendall's face turns up.
"I'm reading this story and there's  a lot of typos and I wanna correct them so bad" she said

"I'm reading this story and there's  a lot of typos and I wanna correct them so bad" she said

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That is everyone @ Kendall right now.

20 minutes later....

They met up at Mickey's marijuana house where her and Ryliey live and wanted to barbecue but no one dared to let Andrea near it because last time she burned all the sausages yet the fire wasn't even on.

She can't cook for shit and everyone knows it.😬

"Jacob, can you pass me the plate please?" asked Cammy

"Are we watching Disney Channel?" Jacob sassed, "It's my birthday bitch put some respeck on it."

Cammy furrowed her eyebrows and walked to get the plates, "Short ass little boy can catch these hands." She muttered under her breath.

Andrea crept outside to see the grill standing by itself in all its glory, her eyes widened and beamed brightly as she nae nae'd towards the beautiful monument, but was later hit in the head with a drug boomerang from Mickey.

"Don't touch this grill hoe." Mickey stood her ground, "That's the second I had to buy this week."

Andrea frowned and slithered away back into the "green" house.

Ot was somewhere conversating with a random tree while Sam came back to help Mickey barbecue.
"No no, Mickey your doing it all wrong....yeah there you go" She explained to Mickey how to put the lighter fluid in so her eyebrows don't burn off.

Everyone cringed at the thought of a rat with no eyebrows.(ily micket)

Nia sat down next to Olive
"Hi im Nia and i love your eyes" and Oli blushed because many people tell her she has beautiful eyes and thanks Nia.

At night.....

"It was a dark and stormy night like this, and a girl and her many friends wanted to have a little fun so they went outside- "

"NOOO this is not a scary movie because if you say shit like that it'll happen so no thank i don't wanna be the first to die" Mira cut off Ryliey's scary story and turned on all the lights then sat peacefully in her spot in the circle the formed"

Ryliey pouted because she just wanted Mickey to hold her.
"Awww its ok Ry, I love you"

"I love you more Mickey"

And from there everyone left to they room that they shared with each other and went to and dreamed about Cammy lip singing to rap music.

Hihi everyone i hopped you liked this and thank u Elliot for helping me out
Until next time. Xx💜💜

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