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There's been a change in how this story will go so enjoy. Xx

Ryliey mentally rolled her eyes as she walked to the front door of Mickey's house and pulles out her phone.

[To Daddy Mickey💦💞]
Open the door u rat

[From Daddy Mickey💦💞]
Its open 😙

The emoji made Ryliey cringe but she walked in anyway only to see Mickey and Mira making cookies while listening to Jacob Sartorius the happen to make Ryliey want to die.

She frowned slightly and said "Why and the gay god are you listening to this crap?" and then ate the cookie dough off Mickey's plate.
Mira sighed and pointed to the speakers that was being controlled by Alex who giggled and ran off to his room to look/make memes.

Mickey shook her head "that kid is weird" and the other two girls nodded in agreement while they finish making the cookies and put them in the oven. Just then Mira phone started ringing and the name Kitten💜 popped up and she jumped while trying to answer to the phone.

"Hwllo Ot..........yea........ok love you.....bye bye" And when she hung up and Rickey looked at her when smirking."What" she frown
"Your so whipped for Ot, face it." and not knowing what that Nia was watching from afar.
All Nia said was hi and asked when the cookies would be done.

Suddenly Ryliey sniffed the air. "I smell a vegan" Mickey hmmed. "Must be Cammy"

Just as she said that the blonde walked in and with a bag of vegetables and a bright smile. "Hello you guys"

Mira ran over to hug her and as soon aa she did there was a knocked at the door and she pushed Cammy to the ground ran over to door.
"HI OT- oh its you" her face instantly changed to disappointment when she saw the person was not her baby but Kylie.

"Well shit nice to see you to"hug
She smiled still "Hi Kylie" and gave her a hug

After everyone was all comfy and watching Mean Girls on Netflix Ryliey got bores so she went to play Pokemon Go for a while.
Right before she opened the door Ot came running into the living room.
"hwllo everyone" Mira jumped and squished her into a big bear hug.

Alex just came and showed people his memes and got more cookies.

Half way through the movie, Ryliey came back because she missed Mickey, Mira and Ot just cuddled and Cammy sat down making musically's while eating kale.


"Shut it Nia!"

Welp i tried hope you liked it. Xx

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