Chapter Two

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"Darn it! Where the heck did she go? Edolas?!" I walked across the bridge and towards the giant snake. "Hayden!!" I stopped and listened to it echo off the walls.

A chill went up and down my spine as it went dead silent.

It's never this quiet on a ride...ever!

I rushed into the next section of the ride, wishing I had brought a bigger flashlight. Hayden was nowhere to be found. I walked through the exit and came to the loading dock.

I grabbed the walkie talkie off my belt. Kshhh "Xavier, Damien. You see anything on the monitors? Come in. Over." Kshhh

I waited about a minute. Kshhh "Damien. Xavier! Come in. Over." Kshhh

What the heck are the doing?

Rushing up to the control room I realized it was empty. The monitors were completely black and the walkie talkie was sitting on the desk making static sounds. "What the-"


I turned around and bolted out the door. "Who's there?!"

No answer.

Another crash, this one louder than the last, but oddly enough it was more distant. I ran into the ride queue and listened to more crashes. As I ran through, I noticed scratches on the walls and props were destroyed. My eyes narrowed and I ran faster, exploding out of the "temple" and into the outside section of the ride queue.

Suddenly a person dressed in silverish white attacked me and I got thrown back to the ground. I gasped and grabbed my head in pain. A throbbing sensation made my head feel like it was going to burst.

I squinted as my vision went blurry and I saw the figure running away. My vision went dark and I whimpered.

"You've always been weak! Get up and fight!"

The voice came from inside my head and I could feel the annoyance. Slowly, my vision came back and I wiped away a bit of blood from the back of my head. Jogging, I made my way towards the Central Hub so I could get my bearings.

I got to the Walt and Mikey statue then stopped. Something wasn't right. "Where is everyone?" I checked my phone only to see that the time and date weren't working. They were just zeros. Frowning, I put it back in my bag.

Something was terribly wrong. I had failed to realize something very important.

"All those years wasn't a delusion created from my concussion. It was a real memory!" I punched the tree next to me and it shook, showering rose petals down on me.

Wait. Rose petals?

I looked down at the ground and saw rose petals everywhere. Off in the distance, at the castle, a group of rose petals appeared then dropped to the ground. My mouth dropped open.

"B-but it can't be real? It just can't!" I stumbled towards the castle, following the rose petals, which probably wasn't the best idea. As I approached the castle, two people emerged from the shadows.

"Damien? Xavier?" I smiled, then frowned. Slowly, my eyes widened in realization as they both smirked and walked towards me slowly. As they came closer, their clothes changed into the Organization's attire. Black cloak, black pants, black boots.

"W-what?" I took a step back and tripped over my own feet, which made me fall backwards onto my butt. "Itai!!" I rubbed my backside and looked up at the two boys who loomed over me.

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