The Hotel (Chapter 2)

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The flight to Paris was short and beautiful. With Ann by my side I was able to convince myself that I was ok. I had spent 2 weeks a sorting out my father's affairs. It was difficult at first but the grief slowly set into my subconscious. I was spent and I decided to take up uncle Kelly's offer. We arrived in Paris and made our way to the hotel. Upon arrival Kelly was there waiting for us. The large pudgy French man stood there with a sad smile. He greeted me with open arms.

"Nikkola my girl i missed you so, I'm so sorry to here of your fathers death." I gave him a hug. A grim frown upon his face. 

"Thank you uncle Kelly." I stepped back looking around the gold and red grand lobby room.

"I am glad that you came to stay Nikkola." Kelly said in a soft voice unlike his normal booming strong voice that would echo around the room.

"Thank you for inviting me Kelly." I said politely 

"Anything for Francesca and Arnold's Daughter." He gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks you again Kelly." Kelly nodded, I took the moment to get a better look at the lobby.

It had a large mahogany desk with rows and rows of mail boxes and keys all shiny brass colored. All the employees wear black and gold suits. There are cream chairs to the left and a café sign the goes to a set of French doors to the right. The tile floor is an ivory color with gold embellishments. There are giant windows to the back of me framed in gold. The revolving doors that i had come through moments earlier are still.

When I look back to Kelly he is speaking in French to a tall pale bell boy with deep set eyes, a pointed nose and a sharp jaw line. He looks about twenty or so. He nodes his head vigorously as Kelly speaks to him.

"This is Louis he will be your personal servant for your time here." He makes a gesture to the boy.

"Oh Kelly that isn't necessary." Kelly chuckled at my quick response.

"Dear it is my treat and Lou would be honored to do so." I gave Louis a small smile and nodded to kelly.

"Ok, oh Kelly we are both spent we would if possible like to check in so we can get some much needed rest." Kelly swung his way to the front desk. He grabbed a key from the rows of keys that said PH2. 

"You girls enjoy!" he handed the butler the key and we headed towards the elevator. We crammed us and our luggage cart into the small elevator. Its walls were mirrors with a gold tent that glamoured. we reached the 27th floor the penthouse. Well the penthouses. There are only two doors and 1 small hallway. We went to the one that said ph2 in shiny gold letters that where slightly worn as they had been there since the opening i imagined. He swung open the door to the lavish penthouse that we would be staying in. The floor was made of a rich red wood. The plush couches where the color of milky coffee and gave the room a warm feel. The walls where an off white that reminded me of eggnog. There where four giant windows looking out over Paris. There was a large circle wood table on top of the giant area rug that was white and gold. There was a small kitchen area with white granite counter tops and six wooden bar stools. Glass and wood cabinets surrounded a stainless steal electric range stove.

"Well I can tell from the recurring themes that Kelly likes gold, wood, and whites."  Ann said sweeping her eyes over the main room. We walked down a single step past a coat area into the large suite. 

"I had guessed as much." I walked past Ann and Louis towards two large wooden doors. I grabbed the cool smooth metal of the handle. I swiftly swung both doors open reveling a room with a canopy bed. Every thing was grand and in brown, cream, white, and more gold. I leaped into the giant bed and began my steady decline into sleep.  


I could here the pitter patter of feet on the hard would floor in the main room. It was probably around 9:00 when i woke up again. I swung my legs off the bed and went groggily into the main room.

"Good night my dear Nikki." Ann chimed as she took notice of my entering of the room.

"Hi Ann good night to you." I walked into the little kitchen, to get a glass of water. I could hear her soft foot steps coming up to me. She hugged my shoulders tightly. 

"Promise me that your ok nik." I sighed filling up my cup. 

"I'l be ok i promise and I'm almost there." I took a sip of water as she released me and I turned around. I walked over to the window. As i breathed out the window fogged up. As I wiped away the fog i saw a black car pull up down stairs.

Jared's P.O.V

I looked up at the grand hotel in front of me. Finally back in Paris, I had missed the city so much.  As the car came to a stop i was brought back into reality by Shannon.

"So Jared still thinking about love?" His voice wasn't mean or joking but soft and kind. I enjoyed it when Shannon was in a good mood. Lately he had been distant, somehow sad. No matter how hard i tried i couldn't get him to tell me anything about his change. 

"Honestly it had left my mind tell now." The thought of having someone who could be there for me always and unconditionally was such a wonderful thought. A woman to hold at night, someone to care about and say was mine.  I sighed heavily as i thought about at it more and more. 

"Jared cheer up where in Paris!" Shannon patted my leg. At least i had my brother. 

Shannon P.O.V 

Jared didn't talk again after i had mentioned the whole love thing. I wanted him to cheer up not dwell on it but I had been dwelling on it myself. I had been going through the same thing as Jared, the crisis that was love. Who would i spend life with and all those things, girl friends where nice but god Shannon stop thinking about it. 

Nikki P.O.V

I backed away from the window going to lay back down as a head ache began.  I tucked my self into the blankets and shut my eyes. Just as i was about to fall asleep I heard, music acoustic music. It was nice and i liked it but the pounding head ache made it intolerable. I got out of bed and headed out to the hall way. I walked over to PH1 where the music seemed to be coming from. I knocked on the door which really didn't help. I rubbed my temple. The door opened slowly to two guys. One taller than the other with long brown ombre hair and sparkling blue eyes. The other had dark chocolate hair a Morris code tattoo on his neck and light green eyes. They both immediately caught my full attention making the pain in my head seem distant almost nonexistent.. I looked back and forth between the two gorgeous men standing in front of me.


So how do you like it? Comment, vote, do your thing. i decided to do Shannons P.O.V as well. 

Any way love you all my fab few creeps.


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