Chapter 19

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Mkay (hi sorry I hate doing so many authors notes but IT'S IMPORTANT.

I'm early bc my tennis coach decided we'd move practice up an hour for NO REASON.


Mitch and Alex were skipping along the line of stores, hand in hand, as they looked for something interesting.

The line of three Alphas following them closely.

Scott stood between Jake and Travis, and spoke to them quietly. "I wonder how Avi's going to react to your guys' sudden decision."

Travis just hummed. "I hope he'll give us some advice. Because... I really don't know what we're doing."

"If you needed advice... The first thing I want to say, is that you know you can't expect him to learn two sets of rules that he'll need to be able to tell apart within a second. He's an amazing Omega, I'll admit that. But even he won't be able to do it."

Jake nodded, watching Alex lean down to say something to Mitch that made the shorter boy laugh. "I know. Travis and I just need to sit down and write out a list of our combined rules to make it easy."

Travis agreed. "He's good at remembering rules. It shouldn't be too difficult to work it out."

Mitch turned around slowly, his face full of guilt. "Alpha, I have to tell you something."

Scott stopped walking, reaching a hand out for him. "Come here, baby. What's wrong?"

Mitch stood up on his tip toes to whisper into Scott's ear. "I have to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to like... Ruin the fun for everyone by making them come with me."

"Honey, I'm sure they won't mind."

Mitch sank back down onto his feet, and frowned. "But... Just to be sure?"

"Sweetie, come on." He looked over Mitch's head to see the others, Alex's face full of concern. "Does anyone else need to use the restroom?"

Travis recognized Mitch's insecure attitude in an instant, because Alex used to be the same way. Alex hadn't even wanted to tell people that he was hungry. "I definitely do. Thank God you said something, Mitch."

Mitch turned around slowly, but smiled a little. "Really?"

"I must've had too much water this morning or something. Do you mind at all if I come with you guys to find a bathroom?"

Mitch's smile grew a little. "Of course I don't mind!"

Scott couldn't help but smile at how well Travis handled the situation, but before he could say anything, Alex jumped in as well.

Alex grabbed Mitch's hand with a large smile. "I wanna go too!"

Mitch's smile faltered. "Allie... Babe, we're going to the bathroom. Nothing exciting."

"It is exciting, because I get to hang out with you!" Alex chirped happily, standing beside Mitch to lock his elbow with the shorter Omega.

Mitch giggled, and turned halfway to reach his free hand toward Scott. "Come on, Alpha. We're going on an exciting journey apparently."


Todrick now sat beside Kevin on their temporary bed, Todrick's face in his hands.

Kevin hesitantly reached over to set his hand on Todrick's back. "Honey, I didn't mean to upset you. I apologize if I act like a know-it-all. I didn't mean to make you feel insufficient."

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