|Chapter I|

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The music was so loud that it made my skin vibrate with each beat. It was the typical house party. The lights in the room, were replaced with black lights- setting the party mood.

The small rumble of laughter and music mixed, pushing my heart to beat faster.

I walked into the living room of the strangers house and as soon as I saw the multiple couples making out on the couch, I was ready to go.

I searched for my boyfriend, Ryder; my only ride home. He claimed that he wouldn't drink, just so I would have a ride home.

At least that's what I thought until I went into the kitchen. There he was, drunk, lying down on the kitchen island as ditsy college girls took jello shots off his stomach.

I couldn't hold back the annoyed scoff that escaped my lips. I heard him get up from the island as a few blondes called "wait come back." He ran after me, but I was already out the door.

"Austen, wait!" he called from the door.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about it. Call me when you're sober," I shot, walking down the driveway.

The faded sound of music reminded of what I was leaving behind. I was done with Ryder. I knew I was.

"Hey Austen, are you okay? Do you need a ride?" Ava called from a cheap silver car; the typical car teenagers get when they're old enough to drive.

And that was enough to make me completely break down. I cried harder than I have in a long time and not the type of cry you see in the movies, where a few tears slide down the girl's face. No. I mean completely sobbing and gasping for air.

I usually don't let these small things get to me, because this was normal for Ryder. He always found ways to disappoint me. I couldn't take all of this anymore.

"Come on, get in. I'm just waiting for my friend Snow to grab her things."

I opened the passenger side door, wiping the tears from my face. I looked back at the front door, expecting Ryder to be standing there awkwardly, confused on what to do. But he went back inside. He made his choice.

After I told Ava everything, a wave of relief flooded my body. That was the magical thing about her. You could talk into her blue eyes for hours and hours and she would listen.

A familiar girl with chocolate hair and entrancing emerald eyes approached the car, reaching to open the passenger side door. Her eyes practically shot through the glass, not expecting for there to be anyone there.

"Who's this?" she asked curiously, falling into the back seat.

"I'm Austen," I introduced, my hand reaching out to her.

"Austen....isn't that like a boy's name?" she assumed, quite rudely.

"Oh yeah, well what's your name," I sassed, rolling my eyes.

"It's Snow," she coldly responded, well aware of what my response was going to be.

"Mine might be a boy's name, but yours is a weather condition."

Ava giggled at the sass shot between us, twisting the key in the ignition.

"Wait, are you okay to drive?" I quizzed, uncomfortable with the idea of her being drunk.

"I've only had like a sip of beer," she assured, pulling out of the driveway and onto the road.

For about half an hour, the air remained silent, which surprisingly calmed me. I usually hated when no one spoke, but I can't explain the way the night made me feel.

It's almost as if my voice was lost somewhere out in the darkness of the night and I was okay with that.

I think I was just glad that Snow and I weren't bickering. We didn't exactly got the best idea of each other. Tonight was just rough. I don't even know why I came to this stupid party.

I rested my face on the cold passenger side window.

"How do you know Ava?" Snow mumbled from the back.

Memories of last summer flashed through my mind in response.

"I worked with her last summer, you?" I spoke, the sound of restlessness rich in my voice.

"Friends with her since first grade," she answered.

"Remember when you asked my crush out for me and he threw up all over you?" Ava laughed, reminding Snow of something.

"What?! No way," I gasped in disbelief turning back to Snow.

"I screamed so loud, everyone thought that he smacked me or something," she confirmed, smiling revealing her perfect white teeth. They complimented her ivory skin well.

"Why did he puke? I'm sure you were totally hot in first grade,"

"Oh yeah, she was hot alright. With her My Little Pony bracelets and her Jonas Brothers outfits," Snow mocked.

"Oh shut up. Nick Jonas is hot," she opined.

Everyone grew silent, watching the driver behind us. He was swerving all over the road.

"Is that Ryder?" Ava asked, looking into the rear view mirror.

My heart stopped. My phone rang with the annoying ring tone he set for himself. It was some rap song from the early 2000s.

Surely enough, his name appeared on my screen.

"Just ignore him. It's bad enough he's drunk driving," Ava advised.

That's when it happened. Ryder's car had driven us off the road, and not too long after his went off too.

The moment the car hit the trees, I assumed I was going to die.

My lungs were begging for a breath and my heart was slowing down. The taste of sweet copper pooled inside my mouth, and that's when I discovered the taste of fear.

I could feel the thickness soaking my tongue. I couldn't move and I was so tired.

I could still hear each raspy breath I managed to take.

It was an ugly sound. It sounded like I had a million needles in my throat. 

I heard a buzzing noise, filling my ears. With all the strength I could muster, I tilted my head, just to see if Ava was okay.

But her body was no longer in her seat. It was half outside the blood covered windshield.

I tried so hard to call her name, but all that was clear was a few gasps.

Then my body drained of all its possible energy and I closed my eyes.

A Shade Darker Than Damaged (twenty one pilots)Where stories live. Discover now