|Chapter III|

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"Snow White! Get back in your room right now!"

I jumped away from Austen, Tyler assaulting Cherry with his eyes. I don't think he liked anything about this place.

"I wanted to see her and you wouldn't let me. I like Austen and Tyler more than that room. It smells like death and expired cleaning detergent."

I leaned against my newfound friend, my leg incapable of holding my weight. My collar bone was also not feeling the best right now, probably from all the movement.

Cherry sighed, her blonde hair pinned to her head.

"I'm glad that you and Tyler have finally met, but can you please go back to your bed? You're not well," she pleaded.

"I'll check in later," Tyler affirmed, and I nodded.

I moved my eyes to the nurse, nodding slightly.

I trudged back to my room, looking behind me at Tyler. He looked even more sad now. I didn't want him to be sad. He probably didn't have anyone now either.

I don't know him and I already like him. I usually don't trust people this easily, but then again, I'd only ever had to trust Ava.

Maybe it's because of how sad his eyes are. I can relate. I wasn't that sad before the crash. I used to be okay with the little amount of friends and family that I had. But now I had virtually no one, and then Tyler appeared.

It was sad how easily I was beginning to cling to him.

I liked that he was trying to be happy for me. He knew nothing about me except my condition and my name and he still visited me and comforted me. He was good and I was bad, like fire and water. I could burn him but I could also drown in him and as long as I was with Ava I didn't care how it happened.

Cherry aided me to my bed, glaring between me and the IV and tube I had ripped out.

"Do you know how dangerous it is to rip out an IV?" Cherry scolded, taking a look at my arm.

I hadn't realized the stream of blood running down to my hand. I guess it didn't hurt as bad as everything else.

I sat down on my bed and let her put an IV back in.

I just wanted to go back to sleep, hoping that maybe I'd see Ava in my dreams and that she would be okay.

I've never felt this much hate for death. I wasn't mad at anyone really. I was mad at death, not a person, but an idea.

Death is selfish, it just takes and takes. It doesn't matter that Ava was my best friend. It doesn't matter that she had her whole life ahead of her. It doesn't matter that I'll never see her again. Death didn't care when he took my parents, why would he care now?

Maybe it would be better if I had nothing to lose.

Cherry had left me to my bitter thoughts once again and death's strings were holding me hostage on this hospital bed.

One thing about the hospital is that the air is always so thin, not to the point where you're struggling to breathe. It's just an uncomfortable feeling that hovers around.

No one had sent me flowers or gifts because there was no one to send them.

I just can't imagine a world that I actually have something as a constant because everything so far in my life was temporary.

It was 2:36 when the sound of rushing nurses and beeping echoed through the halls. Something was happening. I'm glad I didn't have the tube down my throat anymore. It's easier to get up.

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