Chapter 1: Catty

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     I knew I had to do it. I just knew I had to say goodbye to Pharaoh, my heart and soul. He had helped me find my music and I couldn't lose him. What if he found a new ghoulfriend at The Nile River High?
     I looked at Pharaoh for the last time in a long time. I jumped into his strong arms.
     I cried, "Pharaoh, you can't leave me! You just can't! I'm gonna come with you!"
     He hugged me, "Oh Catty, I would love it if you came along with me! The only thing is you're not allowed. I'm so sorry. There's nothing I can do about it."
     "So is this," I looked up at him, barely able to say, "goodbye?"
     He smiled, "No Catty. Just say, I'll see you soon. It's true you know. We will see each other soon. I love you with all my heart. I will write to you everyday. Don't worry about me. I won't replace you with someone else. I promise." His promise was the only thing that would keep me going for the school year.
I waved to him and he waved to me. I watched my love walk away from me. Kayla asked me if I were okay.
I lied and stood up straight, "Yes, I'm purr-fectly fine, sweetheart." I had to set a good example for younger monsters. I couldn't just burst out crying to her like I wanted to.
     "Are you sure?" she asked me sympathetically, "I can see that there are tears in your eyes."
     "No, no there isn't," I lied again. Suddenly, I felt her arms wrap around my legs.
     She looked up at me, "You don't have to tell me what's wrong but you looked like you needed a hug." Aw, what a sweet little ghoul! I smiled and bent down to hug her too.
"Kayla!" Mr. Claw came marching up to us, "Leave Miss Catty alone! She's very busy!"
I tried to point out, "Uh, but actually sir,"
"Come on Kayla," he interrupted me and he and his daughter walked off. I had to wait until my limo arrived. The driver was going to take me to the airport so I could go home.
I hummed a little song that Pharaoh and I had performed that night together. Oh, it wasn't the same without him. I felt so alone. I knew that I would have to feel like that for a long time. It was definitely not a good feeling at all.
Suddenly, I saw my ride. I hopped inside the limo. I had fame, I had fortune. I didn't care about those things though. All I really needed in my life was Pharaoh. He brought out the best in me.
     The limo ride was very boring and plain. I looked at some selfies and other photos of each other that Pharaoh and I had taken over our tour.
     "Oh Pharaoh," I said to myself, blinking back tears, "I'll miss you so much. I already do!" Why did I have to be born as me? I loved being a Werecat and I loved my family and all my friends. It would be amazing to be some beautiful Egyptian mummy ghoul at Pharaoh's school. I hoped he wouldn't forget me and find someone else.
How could Pharaoh forget me? I thought. We're made for each other. We found each other in Boo York City. We will be together forever. But then a nasty thought came into my mind. But he always could find someone else. I felt like I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I exploded right then and there in a fancy limo all alone. I sobbed into my palms.
     Oh, I felt my makeup running down my face. Honestly, I did not care as I normally would. Pharaoh was much more important to me then the way I looked. I just couldn't let anyone see me like that when I would walk out of the limo. I looked around for my makeup bag and I spotted it right away. I took a look at myself in my hand mirror.
Ew! I thought. I really need to clean my face up! Makeup stained my face. My sparkly silver eyeshadow was down my face. I simply removed all of my makeup. I couldn't decide on which pallet to use.
Finally, I managed to find a suitable makeup combination for me.
Just in time, the limo driver opened the door for me. "Miss Catty, your private jet awaits you." He led me to where my jet was. Some other famous stars would take that plane to where they lived as well. One of my beast ghoulfrinds, Catsa, was on board.
"Hey Catty! Wanna sit next to me for the trip?" she questioned me.
I nodded delighted, "Yes, of course! That would be clawsome, Casta!" Casta and I sang her hit song "Witching Hour" together on the way to the airport near my house. Eventually, we arrived there. Casta stayed on the plane so she could go back to Hauntlywood.

                 *              *               *

     When I got home, I walked right into my house. I haven't been there in so long. I was very excited to see my parents.
     "Mom?" I called. "Dad? I'm home! It's me," I got a little sad when no one answered, "Catty." Oh, my parents were probably working as they always did.
     When I was a little ghoul, they had time for me. We spent time together everyday. They didn't need to work that often back then. As I got older, they needed to work more. It was pretty usual that they weren't home.
     My five year old sister, Katie, was always at daycare. Wait, was she even five anymore? I realized that I missed out on so many family things because of fame. I missed out on my brother's college graduation as well. I felt so selfish and upset.
     I sat alone in my room just thinking about Pharaoh and the first time we ever met.

Catty Noir And Pharaoh's Love DramaWhere stories live. Discover now