Chapter 6: Pharaoh's Frightday

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     It was Frightday. The week went by very slowly to me. I once heard that if you have been having fun then time will go by quickly. I wasn't having much fun though because I was missing Catty too much. I walked to school with Nephthys that morning, as usual.
"What do you like most about your ghoulfriend, Pharaoh?" she asked me.
"Everything. Haven't I told you already?" I asked, "Maybe I haven't but I've thought about it a lot. I love her sweet personality and her amazing voice. I love how we just connect with each other. Neph, if true love is real then that's what Catty and I share. I honestly feel that she and I are made for one another."
"Oh," she sighed. She seemed a little bit upset.
I questioned my friend, "What's wrong, Neph? You seem a little sad."
She turned away from me, "Pharaoh, you wouldn't understand. I just can't tell you." Okay then?
"Wait, but," I started.
She looked at me, "I think that I should walk to school on my own today." I watched her as she angrily trotted away from me. What was her problem today? I wanted to find out.
Each day at school, less ghouls and mansters crowded over me. Today, only five of them did. I probably seemed like ancient old news to them by now. I went over to my locker and punched in my passcode.
     What the heck? A letter fell out of my locker as I opened it. I wondered who it was from. I decided to open it and see. The note read,

Dear Pharaoh Ptolemy,
You are an amazing young manster and very talented as well. I would love to talk to you all day and night. Come to the water fountain by the lunch room for my next love letter to you!
your secret admirer

Woah. I had a secret admirer? That was cool and all but I loved Catty. I wondered who this secret admirer could be. Was she someone I knew? Was she someone I've never heard of before? I didn't know what to do. Should I go to the water fountain by the lunch room to see the next note? I decided not to just yet.
     On my way to class, I told Nephthys about my secret admirer.
     "Oh, somebody wrote you a love letter? That sounds sweet!" she gleamed.
     "Yeah but I have a ghoulfriend! I can't have a random secret admirer!" I explained.
     Nepthys said, "Pharaoh, it's okay to have a secret admirer. I really think that you should go to the water fountain to get the next one."
     "Okay?" I furrowed my brow. Why did she want me to go get the next letter?
     On my way to lunch, I actually did stop at the water fountain. A letter was hanging above it that said Pharaoh on the front. I opened up this new letter.

     Dear Sweet Pharaoh,
Well, you came to find my next note, didn't you? Heh, well I just wanted to let you know that you really make me smile. Be mine! ❤️ Find the next letter in your mailbox!
                                   Your secret admirer

     Things were getting kind of weird. My secret admirer called me sweet Pharaoh and said to be hers! This time, she signed the card love, your secret admirer! I showed my friends the new letter at lunch.
     "It's so weird and a little creepy. I mean, anyone in the school could be writing these letters! It's gonna be so hard to find out who's doing this!" I complained.
     Nephthys sighed, "Pharaoh, don't worry. It's not really creepy. Someone out there is expressing their love for you! Be grateful about this secret admirer!"
     "But Pharaoh already has a ghoulfriend," Iris told Nephthys.
     Osiris chimed in, "Yeah, don't you remember Catty?"
     "Um, yes, but it's just that Pharaoh should seem flattered at least about this," she blushed.
     "Neph," I looked at her, "Do you have any idea who is sending me these mysterious letters? It's sort of creepy because I really don't knew who they are!"
     She shook her head, "No, I have no utter idea who could possibly be behind all of this. I'm sorry Pharaoh."
"Okay then," I replied. This whole secret admirer thing was very mysterious. I was a little bit curious about who was writing me these letters.
When I got home, I dared to look inside the mailbox. Yes, a letter was in there too. Should I open it? I thought to myself. I decided to just do it. This new letter read,

Dear my love,
Hello Pharaoh! I see that you decided to read this new note! So do you want to know who I am? I'll give you a hint. I go to your school. Look for my next note on Monday in your locker!
A ghoul from school ❤️

Well, it was already kind of obvious that this secret admirer went to my school. How else would she know my name and where my locker is and everything? I realized I was famous though and anyone could know who I was.
I went to my room and called Catty.
"Hi sweetheart!" she gleamed when she picked up, "I miss you so much!"
I replied, "I miss you too, ghoul! Everything is so bland without you!"
She was probably blushing, "Oh Pharaoh. Well, anyway, how's your new school? Do you have any new friends? Mean or nice teachers? Tell me about it." Should I tell her about the secret admirer?
"Yeah, it's great! I met up with my childhood best friend, Nephthys. She introduced me to her friends, Iris and Osiris. They're twins," I smiled, "What about you? How's your life at Monster High?"
She replied, "It's amazing and just the way that I remember it! I'm going to my friend's sleepover party in a few minutes. I'm glad you called me now rather than when I actually go. I'm just about finished getting ready though." I heard my dad call me.
"Oh, well my dad's calling me. I gotta go. Love you!" I hung up and went to my father.

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