Chapter 4

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Kate POV

'What the heck!' I exclaimed when noticing Adam glaring at me for bumping into him. 'You really need to watch where you are walking mister.' I huff out finally done with him.

"You are the one who should be watching. Klutz." Adam retorted with a smirk. "Hey! that should be your new nickname Klutzy Kate!"

I give him a sharp glare. Do you know where Josh is?

"Why would you want to hang out with him?" He says with an angry demeanor.

'Well, seeing as I don't remember where my room is and he is the only one in this family wanting to help me, besides your parents, I was going to ask if he can show me how to get to my room.'

"I can help you get there." Adam said while rolling his eyes. "Just follow me."

When we finally got to my new bedroom he opened the door and walked right in just to flop on my bed and play more dumb games on his phone.

'Hey, so tomorrow what are you guys going to do?' I asked as I tried to shove him off my newly made bed.

"Well, it will most likely be roller skating. It's more like an annual thing. Every year we go roller skating before school starts again. Right after roller skating we go out for ice cream and watch the sun set."

'That sounds like a lot of fun! Well, Except for the part where I can't exactly roller skate.' I mumble glancing at his face then looking back at the floor.

"I hope you don't end up falling on me," he says with a smirk while walking out the door.

'I hope so too.' I whisper to the empty room and climb onto bed while turning on my phone. I log onto Wattpad and lay back into my pillow. I open up the story I am currently reading and read the first couple lines or the chapter. I close my eyes and start to fall asleep. Yes, the book is really good but I guess sleep is better.

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