Chapter 9

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Kate POV

School. Your life revolves around it, the things you say will always be held against you later on, and your friends memorize your worst and most ugly moments. We all might hate that, but I'd rather stay with my friends who have been with me during my worst, most terrible moments. People keep asking me why I am living with the Lee brothers' and when I respond with "my parents both died over the summer" they just shoot me pitying looks and say "I'm sorry for your loss." But they don't know who they were, and apparently neither do I.'

Page 1 of notebook

Mr. Tenner thought it would be a good idea to write something in our journals every day when we come to his class. When the kid in front of me complained that this was a free period and that we shouldn't have to do any work, Mr. Tenner said "thinking about what you feel is the easiest part, but putting your thoughts down on paper isn't. My goal this year isn't to watch you guys fall asleep or watch you try and finish your homework before your next class. My goal is to try and get you to understand the reason why you feel what you feel. Your notebooks will be private and kept a secret from everyone else. However, I will pair you guys up with a partner in this class. If by chance you want someone to read your work, or someone to talk to your partner will be that person."

I think it's stupid. Also, Mr. Tenner paired me up with this guy named Robert. Robert won't talk to me. Well, actually he won't talk to anybody, but then again he is asleep. Yes. Asleep. Right after Mr. Tenner paired us off he walked to the 2 desks in the back of the room, scribbled something down in his notebook for a minute nodded at me, and shut his eyes.

"Okay class, please take the last 5 minutes of class to get to know your partner, and don't forget to to put the desks back together before you leave."

'Pst, Robert, are you alive?'

*grumble grumble* "What do you want?"

"Well, I mean Mr. Tenner just told us to get to know your partner," I drawl. "And all I know is that you are are a freakishly tall asian with glasses, who likes to sleep."

"All you did was describe what I look like and who said I only like to sleep? I actually love it for your information."

'Yeah, yeah. So, tell me a bit about yourself.'

"Well, I'm 17, have a younger sister, three older brothers, and a pet beta fish. I like writing, like reading, and love to sleep."

'Do you have any hobbies?'

"I play the the violin, and babysit. What about you, umm...what's your name?"

'Well, for starters, I'm Kate Henderson. I lived in Nevada all my life up until this summer and now live with--.'

"The Lee brothers/boys'. I know," he said while rolling his eyes.

'Uh huh. Anyways, I love to read, play the violin too, and yeah, that's about it.'

"There's got to be more to you."

'There is, but I'll let you figure me out instead of me telling you.'


"Bye everyone! I hope to see you guys with your notebooks tomorrow!" Mr. Tenner says as Robert and I walk out of the classroom.

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