"Winter Arrows"

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Alas I gripped my hope back on the line...

Never will I release with countless sorrows...

Aim for the stars and take them as mine...

Frost my glance under the winter arrows...

Sharper than the nightingale's stare...

An infusion winced with dreams and faith...

Across the nebulae of my defiant glare...

My dreams orbit endlessly without date...

Under this fault line lurking beneath my skin...

Without a dash of the sun's moonlight...

A shadow will mostly take it all and win...

But no, infinitiy through infinities hold me tight...

Then I clutched  my frosted arrow towards the dead line's tread...

Only knowing that I could shoot it when I get dragged behind...

Who knows I'd end up shooting for the frozen starlight instead...

But no, I won't overcapacitate or I'll snap my dream of a kind...

During the tournament under the nostalgia of the tundra...

Permafrost will prevail under the cold face of the moon...

Give me high hopes over my tenacious spirit of archery...

An insomnia I refuse to fade away, fade just too soon...

I held the grail in much of great content...

The master of my bow, I bliss in defiance...

 My bleakness down to the line of descent...

Now in the stars of my dreams' alliance...

In the dark abruption of disturbitude, my snowflakes spangle...

Too soon, too not, a repudiation denied in my relinquishment...

I rolled out the final shot out my timorousness' dequadrangle...

My arrows melted, the bow of dreams derelicted to incontent...

Ice chalices melting at the sub-zero of dawn...

My fearful remedy disintegrated to its yawn...

Nightmares in wake to yield my dead ecstasies...

Archery will just be another aura of my fantasies...

A/N: Archery... </3

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