"Winter Hurricane"

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Navigating through the path of resilience...

Over-expressive tunes of a storm agitated...

Civilians that weren't its possession grit resistance...

A storm who thinks it was the most denounced...

Cores of this storm oblige upon its deep swellings...

Understanding of all meteorologists to its pain...

Misused expressions endure ignorance of my feelings...

Excruciation colder than its ice-brick rain...

No mercy of its sadistic nature affected upon us...

States of calamities hurled upwards as it kills...

Considers itself as more important than the death of us...

Never ought to understand the sufferings of allies it reels...

Cursing and blowing its winds merciless towards hope...

To something bigger and fiercer, to something colder...

A winter hurricane of snow, much more power to evoke...

Now at its peak to turn into a black hole of the darker...

Fun in every flake was meant to build up cheery spirits...

In its blood to seek joy out and spread the word of liberty...

Though so submissive, its icicles still shed secretive limits...

A pessimist in nature in shrouded embodiment of anarchy...

A winter hurricane out over the low pressures of rage...

Ignite the moolight of tomorrow out of the black flame...

A winter hurricane swelling over its defiant star mage...

Let this swirling storm cease over a resilient name...

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