"Suspended Snowflakes"

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Over the trees that make the spring goodbye...

Lush over the leaves that whisper kisses tonight...

Fling pressingly to orange then fade along to fly...

To the winter of tomorrow to contempt things right...

The four-flavored hinges of pessimistic time...

Ought not to swing to the fifth interval of just...

Clasp like fractals and kaleidoscopes' rhyme...

The law of the present to stay and last at must...

My thumb flickers to the gripped pain of the past...

Pulling hard and grasping to shoot for the stars...

A deluded arrow shoots back to destined cast...

Away to the lands of redemption's molded jars...

Picking up stones as leaves bury their lauded value...

Built to the thread between passion and disgrace...

Never had hopes of decendance to the words to you...

Look at me now at the bowing elegance of icy pace...

At the imminent demise for me to be entombed...

Shimmers an arrow of ice crystallized, unfractalized...

Fossilized with icicles of loathing whilst being benumbed...

I open my eyes to the windows, unscarred as I realized...

Rivers hissing the theme of the dead rocks...

Benign and unjust, cold as stone with the dark...

Above soars the eagles of dawn off with flocks...

The distance of infinity shall they tread a mark...

At the bleakness of compassion struggles forward with might...

Relaxes another dream to make it to the wishes of night's twilight...

Shoots far across the streams of galaxies, to the moon river's light...

Nowhere to be seen, not a thud to be heard, it was left out of sight...

Deep into the roots of repentance, I shiver dratistically injured...

Indifferent and detached, I dwell to linger to the lake of resilience...

Refracted in the mirror of frost, starlight falls a wish unexposed...

The ranger of my own power, crowned to a different magnificence...

Under the tension to break down over quality under effectivity...

Compressed to a crumpled victimizer of emotional beasts...

Springs back to a mischiefed mishap away from inscrutability...

Unheeded relentlessly as a weapon as fear is now ceased...

Down to the dusk of accomplished redundancies...

Awaits another dawn to the threshold of my tendencies...

To salute over the flag of my inclined prophecies...

Deflagrate my devoured feelings without recurred abilities...

Archery now belongs to the hands of my mauve defiance...

A bow of seeded ice to cut sharp the thoughts of this season...

An arrow full of omnipotence and precision with alliance...

To build a glass ice to stop the snow from crying for a reason...

In this phase, my grandeur melts as I resurface the walk of day...

A new facade of the golden spirit, now blazed with platinum...

After curiosity takes me, I now know I didn't need brands to stay...

As fit as the frozen stars, it's radiant strength light like a magnum...

Still instated with my infinitude, I aim at the dome of the future...

It shatters down as I climb the glass stairs to escape incarceration...

Now that I have what I have, now I have to have myself to culture...

Engrave my past and evoke my torch out of this emotional damnation...

Now to walk the cosmos, spiral the galaxies and venture the universe...

I find my arrow landed among the stars that roam my nostalgia...

Not that I left regrets back at the arena of interlocked, dreadful remorse...

But the hibernaculum I had as I survived the sub zeros of neuralgia...

Amidst my success over deep ambitions rings the aura of my crown...

Nowhere left to hide but to scavenge victors as I make voluptuous oeillades...

Once in the next battlefield, I strike sharp like a nightingale's nightgown...

A twisted quietus left unbraided across the insomnia of suspended snowflakes...

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