She'll hate me

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Around twenty minutes later they arrive at Cara's mums house. They sit outside in the car while Cara tries to calm herself down.

"What's the worst that could happen?" he laughs.

"She'll hate me" Cara says.

"Come on, I'm sure she'll be happy for you in the end" he says.

"Ha! You don't know my mum" she laughs sarcastically.

Raf rolls his eyes, "anyway I'm sure your sister will be please for you" he smiles.

Cara shrugs as Raf gets out the car. She gets out and follows him and takes a breathe in.

They get to the door and Cara adjusts her top so it looks baggy and pulls her cardigan around her a little, Raf knocks on the door and smiles at Cara.

"I feel sick" she moans.

"You'll be fine" he smiles as she messes with the ring pretend marital rings on her finger.

"I love you for this you know that right" she says and Raf takes her hand as they can see a silhouette through the glass.

Raf smiles at her has the door opens and Cara holds her breath. "Oh Cara!" her mum says in shock as she hasn't seem her in a while.

"Hi" she says awkwardly as Raf gives her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Come in come in" she smiles. Raf follows Cara in a little unsure if they had got the wrong house as her mum seemed a lovely woman and not what Cara made her out to be.

Cara takes her shoes off and looks around to see still the same family photo on the wall as all them years ago.

As she stand back up she sees her 10 year old sister standing before her. "Hello" Cara smiles.

"Hi" she smiles shyly as she knows who it is but hasn't seen Cara in ages.

She then runs off back through to the lounge, "who's that? Is that your sister?" Raf asks as he takes his shoes off and puts them next to Cara.

"Yeah, I'm not sure she knows who I am" Cara says as they walk through to the lounge.

"Take a seat, I'll go get your dad" she smiles.

Cara nods and smiles as she sits next to Raf and he strokes her hand.

"Are you my big sister?" Lucy asks shyly.

"Yes I am, don't you remember me?" she asks as Lucy sits beside her.

Lucy nods a little and looks at her nervously. "I remember you used to play with me, but you always left" she says.

Cara smiles at her "I'm sorry about that" she says.

Lucy looks at Raf "who is he?" She asks as she points at Raf.

Cara looks at Raf, "he's husband" Cara stutters.

"Your married?" Cara's mum says as she comes back in.

Cara nods and smiles, "I've missed you" Lucy says as she hugs Cara.

Cara smiles at her and looks at her mum "so where was our invite" her mum asks.

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