Day Four

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I slept fitfully, and as soon as I had awoken, decided that I would not be awake for the next transformation. Because there was going to be a next. I was resigned to my fate, though I didn't like it much. I marched angrily into Parker's room to show her the monstrosity on my face. "LOOK AT THIS!" I yelled. She sat upright immediately, not used to me yelling or even raising my voice. She took one look at my bat nose and smothered a laugh. "I'm sorry," She said, still laughing. "But you look so silly. What kind of bat is it from, fruit?" I shook my head. "Vampire. I looked it up last night." She made room for me on her bed, and I sat down. "Speaking of last night, did you have any sort of an epiphany during your transformation?" I scowled. "No, but I got it all on recording, so you and dad can watch." She smiled. "Good thinking Ivy."

Since my dad could tell I was not coming out, he let me stay home as long as he got to see the recording of me growing a bat nose. I sent an email to the school saying I was sick, and texted June and Helena in a group chat about what was going on.

I: So today, my face decided to grow a bat nose. I'm not dead, just mortified.

J: that sucks...can you send pics? ;)

H: Don't be rude June. What breed of bat is it?

I: vampire, and I am NOT sending pictures

J: fine party pooper

J: do you suck blood now

I: no June, I am not a vampire, it's just my nose

H: Did you know that the Vampire Bat is actually a subclassification of leaf - nosed bat?

I did not know that, but I didn't want my friends to have their phones taken away because of me, so I focused on reading The Book Thief instead. I was a chapter away from finishing when Parker knocked on my door. "Come in." I called, not really paying her any mind. She walked in and dumped a pile of books unceremoniously onto my bed. "What are all those?" The books had caught my attention. "These are all the books I could find at the library that had anything to do with changing appearance that weren't about plastic surgery." I joined my sister on my bed and burrowed under the covers. "So...story time?"

We skimmed through all nine without finding so much as a clue. The only point they made was that it was a curse. We thought it highly unlikely, but decided to consult dad about it anyway. "Not tonight though," Parker reasoned. "We both need to sleep."

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