Day Six

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I couldn't breathe. I looked down to see that my legs had transformed, and I knew what I needed to do. I pulled myself out of bed and across the room to the bathroom. I managed to get to the sink and swallow a few mouthfuls of water so that I could yell for Parker. She saw what was wrong, helped me into the bathtub, and turned the taps on. It was freezing at first, but only my torso was affected by it. My legs- no, tail barely felt a thing temperature-wise. It was sleek and scaly with dorsal fins accompanying the main ones. It was mainly gold with purple on the edges that bled into the middle. In other words it was stunning. "Weren't your eyes these colors on the first day?" I nodded, touching my neck where gills now resided. I submerged my head under the water and drank some. I suddenly felt much more energized, but wilted when I realized that this would prevent me from finding my mom. I explained this to Parker when she asked me why I looked so glum, and she understood. I was admittedly kind of pissed off at my dad for not doing something immediately when he saw me transforming, but was glad that my sister was understanding of the situation and ready to help. She had just as much warning as I did, but tried her best to help me in any way possible.

I stayed in the tub all day, not wanting to risk suffocating on the air I could no longer breathe. Parker brought me my phone so I could communicate without shouting, and so I could keep my friends updated. They were more than excited when I described my tail, and actually sent them a picture that time.

They were amazed, and I didn't blame them

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

They were amazed, and I didn't blame them. Every girl's dream is to become a mermaid. I had to lie on the porch for the picture, but it was worth it. I needed the sun anyway.

Parker and I recruited our dad to the task with only a small amount of whining on both ends, which was a plus. The main obstacle, of course, was how to transport me while keeping me submerged in water. The obvious solution was a kiddie pool. Parker went out and bought a bunch of distilled water jugs, the really big kind, while Dad filled the pool and placed me in it once it was safely secured on the bed of our worn out pickup. He asked me how I felt, and I said I was fine. In reality, I felt overwhelming excitement, the vomit inducing kind.

We were on our way by noon, and Parker was the most amiable of the three of us. Dad wasn't quite comfortable with any part of the situation, and I was sloshing around in a kiddie pool. So the trip was going great. At five thirty, we stopped at a small seafood restaurant to eat. Well, Parker and dad stopped to eat. I suggested seafood until they agreed to get me some, then left me in the car while they picked it up. It probably wasn't actually that great, but the fish part of me loved it.

At ten the pickup broke down. It had been beat up and barely worked for years, but we couldn't afford a new one. Even though Parker opted out of college to help earn something, she couldn't find a job. Dad had a job, but he didn't make much and his shifts were often dropped. When I heard the engine give its last sputtering breath, my foremost thought was not now. Parker swore loudly in the front seat and dad got out to look at the engine. There was no saving it, and we all knew it. The only thing we could do was call a tow truck. No service. I sighed loudly and flipped my fins indignantly. "Is this some kind of curse too?" I shouted into the night from my place on the truck bed. Dad frowned and shook his head. "I doubt it. Her place is way too far...I think." Parker poked her head out of the door. "That reminds me, how'd you get her address? Didn't just happen to have it on you did you?" He laughed quietly. "No, an old friend of hers owed me a favor." He left it at that, and we didn't ask questions. The clock showed eleven. I pulled the jug I had been drinking from away from my lips. I put a hand to my neck and sure enough, the gills were receding. Over the course of about thirty minutes, my tail turned back to the olive tones of the rest of my skin, then my legs became more defined until they were completely seperate. I whooped and felt a smile stretch my face until it hurt. Parker gave me a high five and dad picked me up and set me on the ground, awestruck at having seen my transformation firsthand.

Soon it was midnight. I sat up abruptly, a searing pain against my shoulder blades. I reached back to feel small nubs there, and yelped at the pain. Parker rushed over to see what was wrong, and called for dad. He poured water over the nubs that were now breaking through the skin. Soon I had two fully formed purple and gold wings sprouting from my back, and I knew just what to do.

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