Day 27

60 4 1

Will, it's 23:59 snap me right now.

We are not loosing our streak.



William Shakespeare?

You called?

I thought we lost our streak for a second.

A streak that is being held between us cannot be lost since our love for texting each other has bound us together in a way no other person can be bound.


Bringing out my inner Shakespeare.

Well lock it up and never let him see the light of day again.

It wasn't that bad.

Never let him see the light of day again.

-gUYS WTF??? Literally a week ago this book was on 200 reads now it's almost on 300?! Honestly thank you so much!

Keep breathing x-

100 Day Streak -Kiingtong-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ