Day 53

49 10 2

Do you lick your lips after applying lip balm?



I like licking cherry flavoured baby lips but I don't like licking Vaseline. Why'd you ask?

I always see my mum lick her lips after applying lip balm.

Well go apply some lip balm and see if you won't be tempted to.

I don't have any.


I don't get chapped lips duh.

Well you're lucky you don't live in Ireland where it's constantly cold.

England is just as cold.

Do you not have lips?

Of course, how else would I kiss a girl?

You're three, I thought three year old boys think girls have cooties?

Well not me, I get all the chicks.

Whatever you say William Shakespeare.

-thank you ASAwesomeSauce for voting.

Keep breathing x-

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